


#101 Electrode


Pokédex Entries

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 66.6kg


It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation.


It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation.


Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion.


It is dangerous. If it has too much electricity and has nothing to do, it amuses itself by exploding.


It stores an over­ flowing amount of electric energy inside its body. Even a small shock makes it explode.


The more energy it charges up, the faster it gets. But this also makes it more likely to explode.


ELECTRODE eats electricity in the atmosphere. On days when lightning strikes, you can see this POKéMON exploding all over the place from eating too much electricity.


One of ELECTRODE’s characteristics is its attraction to electricity. It is a problematical POKéMON that congregates mostly at electrical power plants to feed on electricity that has just been generated.


They appear in great numbers at electric power plants. Because they feed on electricity, they cause massive and chaotic blackouts in nearby cities.

Fire Red

It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname of “The Bomb Ball.”

Leaf Green

It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation.


It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.


It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.


It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.

Heart Gold

It is dangerous. If it has too much electricity and has nothing to do, it amuses itself by exploding.

Soul Silver

It stores an overflowing amount of electric energy inside its body. Even a small shock makes it explode.


Il se laisse porter par les vents lorsque son corps est gonflé d’électricité à en éclater.


It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.


Il se laisse porter par les vents lorsque son corps est gonflé d’électricité à en éclater.


It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.

Black 2

It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.

White 2

It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity.


すこしの しげきに はんのうして ばくはつする。バクダンボールという あだなで こわがられて いる。


작은 자극에도 반응해서 폭발한다. 폭탄볼이라 불리며 두려움의 대상이 되고 있다.


Il explose au moindre choc. Son seul surnom de « Bomb Ball » suffit à effrayer ses adversaires.


Es explodiert schon bei kleinsten Reizen. Sein Spitzname „Die Bombenkugel“ spiegelt die Furcht der Menschen wider.


Explotan a la mínima. Por eso se les tiene mucho miedo. Estos Pokémon reciben el mote de Bomba Ball.


Può esplodere anche alla minima provocazione. Lo chiamano “Bomba Ball”.


It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname of “The Bomb Ball.”


少しの 刺激に 反応して 爆発する。バクダンボールという あだ名で 怖がられている。


あふれるほどの でんきエネルギーを たいないに ためこんでいるので すこしの しげきで ばくはつする。


넘칠 정도의 전기 에너지를 체내에 모으고 있기 때문에 약간의 자극만으로도 폭발한다.


Il stocke tellement d’énergie dans son corps qu’une simple secousse peut le faire exploser.


Es speichert eine riesige Menge Elektrizität in seinem Körper. Es explodiert beim kleinsten Ruck.


Almacena una enorme cantidad de electricidad en su cuerpo. Una pequeña sacudida le hará explotar.


Dato che accumula nel proprio corpo un’incredibile quantità di elettricità, esplode alla minima provocazione.


It stores an overflowing amount of electric energy inside its body. Even a small shock makes it explode.


あふれるほどの 電気エネルギーを 体内に ためこんでいるので 少しの 刺激で 爆発する。

Omega Ruby

くうきちゅうの でんきエネルギーを たべる。 カミナリの おちる ひは でんきを たべすぎた マルマインが あちらこちらで だいばくはつする。

Omega Ruby

공기 중의 전기 에너지를 먹는다. 번개가 치는 날에는 전기를 너무 먹은 붐볼이 이곳저곳에서 대폭발한다.

Omega Ruby

Électrode mange l’électricité qui se trouve dans l’atmosphère. Les jours d’orage, on peut voir ce Pokémon exploser sans arrêt parce qu’il a avalé trop d’électricité.

Omega Ruby

Lektrobal ernährt sich von Elektrizität aus der Atmosphäre. An Tagen, an denen es blitzt, explodiert dieses Pokémon dauernd, da es zu viel Elektrizität zu sich nimmt.

Omega Ruby

Los Electrode se alimentan de la electricidad de la atmósfera. En días de tormenta con rayos, es fácil verlos explotando por todos lados tras haber consumido demasiada electricidad.

Omega Ruby

Electrode si nutre dell’elettricità presente nell’atmosfera. Quando i fulmini solcano il cielo, è possibile scorgere molti di questi Pokémon esplodere per aver ingerito un’eccessiva dose di elettricità.

Omega Ruby

Electrode eats electricity in the atmosphere. On days when lightning strikes, you can see this Pokémon exploding all over the place from eating too much electricity.

Omega Ruby

空気中の 電気エネルギーを 食べる。 カミナリの 落ちる 日は 電気を 食べ過ぎた マルマインが あちらこちらで 大爆発する。

Alpha Sapphire

でんきに ひきよせられる せいしつを もつ。 おもに はつでんしょに あつまってきて つくった ばかりの でんきを たべてしまう こまりものだ。

Alpha Sapphire

전기에 끌리는 성질을 지녔다. 주로 발전소에 모여서 막 만들어진 전기를 먹어버리는 말썽꾼이다.

Alpha Sapphire

L’une des caractéristiques d’Électrode est son attirance pour l’électricité. Ces Pokémon posent problème lorsqu’ils se rassemblent dans les centrales électriques pour se nourrir de courant fraîchement généré.

Alpha Sapphire

Typisch für Lektrobal ist seine große Faszination für Elektrizität. Es ist ein problematisches Pokémon, das sich meistens in Kraftwerken niederlässt, wo es sich von frisch erzeugtem Strom ernähren kann.

Alpha Sapphire

Una de las características de Electrode es la atracción que siente hacia la electricidad. Son Pokémon problemáticos que suelen agruparse cerca de centrales eléctricas para nutrirse de la energía recién generada.

Alpha Sapphire

Una delle caratteristiche di Electrode è la sua affinità con l’elettricità. Si tratta di un Pokémon problematico che spesso si raduna attorno alle centrali elettriche per trarre nutrimento dall’elettricità appena generata.

Alpha Sapphire

One of Electrode’s characteristics is its attraction to electricity. It is a problematical Pokémon that congregates mostly at electrical power plants to feed on electricity that has just been generated.

Alpha Sapphire

電気に 引き寄せられる 性質を 持つ。 主に 発電所に 集まってきて つくった ばかりの 電気を 食べてしまう 困りものだ。

Let's Go Pikachu

すこしでも しょうげきを あたえると たいないの エレクトンエネルギーが あふれて ばくはつ してしまう。

Let's Go Pikachu

조금이라도 충격을 주면 체내에 있는 전기 에너지가 넘쳐서 폭발해버린다.

Let's Go Pikachu

只要受到任何一點衝擊, 體內的電能就會迅速膨脹 然後爆炸。

Let's Go Pikachu

Il stocke de l’énergie électrique dans son corps, ce qui le rend instable et explosif.

Let's Go Pikachu

Es speichert elektrische Energie in seinem Körper. Schon die geringste Erschütterung lässt es explodieren.

Let's Go Pikachu

Almacena tal cantidad de energía eléctrica en su cuerpo que el más leve impacto puede provocar una gran explosión.

Let's Go Pikachu

L’energia elettrica accumulata nel suo corpo può provocare un’esplosione al minimo urto.

Let's Go Pikachu

Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion.

Let's Go Pikachu

少しでも 衝撃を 与えると 体内の エレクトンエネルギーが あふれて 爆発 してしまう。

Let's Go Pikachu

只要受到一点撞击, 就会由于体内的 电能溢出导致爆炸。

Let's Go Eevee

すこしでも しょうげきを あたえると たいないの エレクトンエネルギーが あふれて ばくはつ してしまう。

Let's Go Eevee

조금이라도 충격을 주면 체내에 있는 전기 에너지가 넘쳐서 폭발해버린다.

Let's Go Eevee

只要受到任何一點衝擊, 體內的電能就會迅速膨脹 然後爆炸。

Let's Go Eevee

Il stocke de l’énergie électrique dans son corps, ce qui le rend instable et explosif.

Let's Go Eevee

Es speichert elektrische Energie in seinem Körper. Schon die geringste Erschütterung lässt es explodieren.

Let's Go Eevee

Almacena tal cantidad de energía eléctrica en su cuerpo que el más leve impacto puede provocar una gran explosión.

Let's Go Eevee

L’energia elettrica accumulata nel suo corpo può provocare un’esplosione al minimo urto.

Let's Go Eevee

Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion.

Let's Go Eevee

少しでも 衝撃を 与えると 体内の エレクトンエネルギーが あふれて 爆発 してしまう。

Let's Go Eevee

只要受到一点撞击, 就会由于体内的 电能溢出导致爆炸。

Legends Arceus

The tissue on the surface of its body is curiously similar in composition to an Apricorn. When irritated, this Pokémon lets loose an electric current equal to 20 lightning bolts.





Type matchup



x 0.5


x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D






