#13 Weedle


Pokédex Entries

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 3.2kg


Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.


Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.


Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.


Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.


It attacks using a two-inch poison barb on its head. It can usually be found under the leaves it eats.


The barb on top of its head secretes a strong poison. It uses this toxic barb to protect itself.


WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).


WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).


A WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense of smell. It distinguishes its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).

Fire Red

Often found in forests and grasslands. It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches on top of its head.

Leaf Green

Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp stinger on its head that injects poison.


It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.


It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.


It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.

Heart Gold

Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.

Soul Silver

It attacks using a two-inch poison barb on its head. It can usually be found under the leaves it eats.


Il mange chaque jour son poids en feuilles. Il utilise l’aiguillon sur sa tête pour repousser l’ennemi.


It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.


Il mange chaque jour son poids en feuilles. Il utilise l’aiguillon sur sa tête pour repousser l’ennemi.


It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.

Black 2

It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.

White 2

It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head.


もりや くさちに おおく せいそく。 あたまの さきに 5センチぐらいの ちいさく するどい どくばりをもつ。


숲이나 풀밭에 많이 서식한다. 머리끝에 5cm 정도의 작고 날카로운 독침을 지니고 있다.


On trouve souvent ce Pokémon dans les forêts et les hautes herbes. L’aiguillon de 5 cm sur sa tête contient un venin très toxique.


Es lebt bevorzugt in Wäldern und in hohem Gras. Auf dem Kopf trägt es einen circa 5 cm langen, spitzen, giftigen Stachel.


Suele habitar bosques y praderas. Tiene un afilado y venenoso aguijón de unos 5 cm encima de la cabeza.


Vive soprattutto nei boschi e nei prati. Sul capo ha un affilato e velenoso pungiglione lungo 5 cm.


Often found in forests and grasslands. It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches on top of its head.


森や 草地に 多く 生息。 頭の 先に 5センチぐらいの 小さく 鋭い 毒針を持つ。


どくばりは とても きょうりょく。 めだつ からだの いろは あいてに けいかいを させるためだ。


독침이 매우 강력하다. 눈에 띄는 몸의 색깔은 상대방을 경계시키기 위해서다.


Son aiguillon empoisonné est très dangereux. Son corps est coloré afin de repousser ses ennemis.


Sein Giftstachel ist gefährlich. Sein hellleuchtender Körper soll Feinde abschrecken.


Su venenoso aguijón es muy potente y su colorido cuerpo hace que los enemigos huyan.


Ha un pungiglione molto velenoso. La vivace colorazione del suo corpo è un avvertimento per i nemici.


Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.


毒針は とても 強力。 目立つ 体の 色は 相手に 警戒を させるためだ。

Omega Ruby

とても するどい きゅうかくを もっている。 こうぶつの はっぱか きらいな はっぱか おおきな あかい はなで かぎわける。

Omega Ruby

굉장히 예민한 후각을 지니고 있다. 좋아하는 잎사귀인지 싫어하는 잎사귀인지 크고 빨간 코로 냄새 맡아 구별한다.

Omega Ruby

L’odorat d’Aspicot est extrêmement développé. Il lui suffit de renifler ses feuilles préférées avec son gros appendice nasal pour les reconnaître entre mille.

Omega Ruby

Hornliu verfügt über einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn. So kann es seine Lieblingsblätter von denen unterscheiden, die es nicht mag, indem es mit seiner großen roten Nase daran schnuppert.

Omega Ruby

Weedle tiene un finísimo sentido del olfato. Es capaz de distinguir las hojas que le gustan de las que no le gustan olisqueando un poco con la gran nariz que tiene.

Omega Ruby

Weedle ha un senso dell’olfatto estremamente sviluppato. Riesce a distinguere le sue foglie preferite da quelle che lo disgustano semplicemente annusandole con il grande naso rosso.

Omega Ruby

Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).

Omega Ruby

とても 鋭い 嗅覚を 持っている。 好物の 葉っぱか 嫌いな 葉っぱか 大きな 赤い 鼻で 嗅ぎ分ける。

Alpha Sapphire

とても するどい きゅうかくを もっている。 こうぶつの はっぱか きらいな はっぱか おおきな あかい はなで かぎわける。

Alpha Sapphire

굉장히 예민한 후각을 지니고 있다. 좋아하는 잎사귀인지 싫어하는 잎사귀인지 크고 빨간 코로 냄새 맡아 구별한다.

Alpha Sapphire

L’odorat d’Aspicot est extrêmement développé. Il lui suffit de renifler ses feuilles préférées avec son gros appendice nasal pour les reconnaître entre mille.

Alpha Sapphire

Hornliu verfügt über einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn. Es ist in der Lage, seine Lieblingsblätter von denen zu unterscheiden, die es nicht mag, indem es mit seinem großen roten Rüssel daran schnuppert.

Alpha Sapphire

Weedle tiene un finísimo sentido del olfato. Es capaz de distinguir las hojas que le gustan de las que no le gustan olisqueando un poco con la gran nariz que tiene.

Alpha Sapphire

Weedle ha un senso dell’olfatto estremamente sviluppato. Riesce a distinguere le sue foglie preferite da quelle che lo disgustano semplicemente annusandole con il grande naso rosso.

Alpha Sapphire

Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose).

Alpha Sapphire

とても 鋭い 嗅覚を 持っている。 好物の 葉っぱか 嫌いな 葉っぱか 大きな 赤い 鼻で 嗅ぎ分ける。

Let's Go Pikachu

あたまに するどい ハリを もつ。 もりや くさちの しげみに かくれ ひたすら ハッパを たべている。

Let's Go Pikachu

머리에 날카로운 침을 지니고 있다. 우거진 숲이나 풀밭에 숨어 끊임없이 풀잎을 먹고 있다.

Let's Go Pikachu

頭上長著尖銳的針。 總是躲在森林或是草叢裡, 不停地吃著葉子。

Let's Go Pikachu

L’aiguillon sur son front est très pointu. Il se cache dans les bois et les hautes herbes, où il se gave de feuilles.

Let's Go Pikachu

Auf seinem Kopf befindet sich ein spitzer Stachel. Es versteckt sich im hohen Gras sowie in Wäldern und frisst eifrig Blätter.

Let's Go Pikachu

El aguijón de la cabeza es muy puntiagudo. Se alimenta de hojas oculto en la espesura de bosques y praderas.

Let's Go Pikachu

Ha un pungiglione acuminato sul capo. Vive tra l’erba alta e nei boschi, dove si nutre di foglie.

Let's Go Pikachu

Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.

Let's Go Pikachu

頭に 鋭い ハリを もつ。 森や 草地の 茂みに 隠れ ひたすら ハッパを 食べている。

Let's Go Pikachu

头上长有尖锐的针。 它喜欢藏在森林或 草丛里大量吞食树叶。

Let's Go Eevee

あたまに するどい ハリを もつ。 もりや くさちの しげみに かくれ ひたすら ハッパを たべている。

Let's Go Eevee

머리에 날카로운 침을 지니고 있다. 우거진 숲이나 풀밭에 숨어 끊임없이 풀잎을 먹고 있다.

Let's Go Eevee

頭上長著尖銳的針。 總是躲在森林或是草叢裡, 不停地吃著葉子。

Let's Go Eevee

L’aiguillon sur son front est très pointu. Il se cache dans les bois et les hautes herbes, où il se gave de feuilles.

Let's Go Eevee

Auf seinem Kopf befindet sich ein spitzer Stachel. Es versteckt sich im hohen Gras sowie in Wäldern und frisst eifrig Blätter.

Let's Go Eevee

El aguijón de la cabeza es muy puntiagudo. Se alimenta de hojas oculto en la espesura de bosques y praderas.

Let's Go Eevee

Ha un pungiglione acuminato sul capo. Vive tra l’erba alta e nei boschi, dove si nutre di foglie.

Let's Go Eevee

Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.

Let's Go Eevee

頭に 鋭い ハリを もつ。 森や 草地の 茂みに 隠れ ひたすら ハッパを 食べている。

Let's Go Eevee

头上长有尖锐的针。 它喜欢藏在森林或 草丛里大量吞食树叶。





Type matchup



x 0.25


x 0.25


x 0.5


x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2


x 2


x 2


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D






