Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
This POKéMON is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes.
QUILAVA keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This POKéMON applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
QUILAVA keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This POKéMON applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
It intimidates foes with intense gusts of flames and superheated air. Its quick nimbleness lets it dodge attacks even while scorching an enemy.
Fire Red
This POKéMON is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
Leaf Green
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
Heart Gold
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
Soul Silver
This Pokémon is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.
La chaleur de ses flammes intimide l’ennemi. Elles s’intensifient lorsqu’il se prépare à combattre.
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
La chaleur de ses flammes intimide l’ennemi. Elles s’intensifient lorsqu’il se prépare à combattre.
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
Black 2
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
White 2
It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight.
たたかいのまえ せなかを むけて じぶんの ほのおが どれくらい すごいかを あいてに みせつける。
싸우기 전에 등을 보이며 자신의 불꽃이 얼마나 대단한지 상대에게 일부러 보여준다.
Avant chaque combat, il tourne le dos et montre la puissance de ses flammes.
Vor dem Kampf dreht es dem Feind den Rücken zu, um ihm zu zeigen, wie Furcht erregend sein Feuer lodert.
Antes de empezar a luchar, se gira ante su rival para alardear del alcance y la fuerza de sus llamas.
Prima di lottare mostra il dorso al nemico per impressionarlo con la potenza delle sue fiamme.
Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes.
戦いの前 背中を 向けて 自分の 炎が どれくらい すごいかを 相手に 見せつける。
せんとうちゅう せなかを むけたら ようちゅうい。せなかの ほのおで こうげきしてくる まえぶれだ。
배틀 중에 등을 보이면 주의가 필요하다. 등의 불꽃으로 공격해올 것이라는 뜻이다.
Attention ! Quand il tourne le dos dans un combat, c’est qu’il va attaquer avec ses flammes dorsales.
Dreht es dir im Kampf den Rücken zu, wird es dich mit den Flammen seines Rückens angreifen.
Ten cuidado si te da la espalda en combate. Significa que te va a atacar con su lomo de fuego.
Nella lotta, se s’incurva vuol dire che sta per attaccare con le fiamme che ha sul dorso.
Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
戦闘中 背中を 向けたら 要注意。 背中の 炎で 攻撃してくる 前触れだ。
Omega Ruby
ほのおの いきおいと ねっぷうで いかくする。 すばやい みのこなしで あいての こうげきを かわしながら どうじに ほのおで もやす。
Omega Ruby
불꽃의 기세와 열풍으로 위협한다. 재빠른 몸동작으로 상대의 공격을 피하면서 동시에 불꽃으로 태운다.
Omega Ruby
Feurisson garde ses ennemis à distance grâce à l’intensité de ses flammes et à des rafales d’air brûlant. Ce Pokémon utilise son incroyable agilité pour éviter les attaques, tout en enflammant ses ennemis.
Omega Ruby
Igelavar hält seine Gegner mit Flammen und Böen heißer Luft auf Distanz. Dieses Pokémon nutzt seine außergewöhnliche Gewandtheit dazu, Angriffen auszuweichen und seinen Gegner gleichzeitig zu versengen.
Omega Ruby
Quilava mantiene a sus rivales a raya con la intensidad de sus llamas y las ráfagas de aire ígneo que producen. También aprovecha su espectacular agilidad para esquivar ataques a la vez que abrasa al rival con sus llamas.
Omega Ruby
Quilava tiene a bada il nemico grazie all’intensità delle sue fiamme e a getti di aria rovente. Questo Pokémon sfrutta la sua estrema destrezza per evitare gli attacchi anche mentre ustiona il nemico.
Omega Ruby
Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
Omega Ruby
炎の 勢いと 熱風で 威嚇する。 素早い 身のこなしで 相手の 攻撃を かわしながら 同時に 炎で 燃やす。
Alpha Sapphire
ほのおの いきおいと ねっぷうで いかくする。 すばやい みのこなしで あいての こうげきを かわしながら どうじに ほのおで もやす。
Alpha Sapphire
불꽃의 기세와 열풍으로 위협한다. 재빠른 몸동작으로 상대의 공격을 피하면서 동시에 불꽃으로 태운다.
Alpha Sapphire
Feurisson garde ses ennemis à distance grâce à l’intensité de ses flammes et à des rafales d’air brûlant. Ce Pokémon utilise son incroyable agilité pour éviter les attaques, tout en enflammant ses ennemis.
Alpha Sapphire
Igelavar hält seine Gegner mit Flammen und Böen heißer Luft auf Distanz. Dieses Pokémon nutzt seine außergewöhnliche Gewandtheit dazu, Angriffen auszuweichen und seinen Gegner gleichzeitig zu versengen.
Alpha Sapphire
Quilava mantiene a sus rivales a raya con la intensidad de sus llamas y las ráfagas de aire ígneo que producen. También aprovecha su espectacular agilidad para esquivar ataques a la vez que abrasa al rival con sus llamas.
Alpha Sapphire
Quilava tiene a bada il nemico grazie all’intensità delle sue fiamme e a getti di aria rovente. Questo Pokémon sfrutta la sua estrema destrezza per evitare gli attacchi anche mentre ustiona il nemico.
Alpha Sapphire
Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames.
Alpha Sapphire
炎の 勢いと 熱風で 威嚇する。 素早い 身のこなしで 相手の 攻撃を かわしながら 同時に 炎で 燃やす。
Legends Arceus
This creature's fur is most mysterious—it is wholly impervious to the burning touch of flame. Should Quilava turn its back to you, take heed! Such a posture indicates a forthcoming attack.