#16 Pidgey


Pokédex Entries

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 1.8kg


A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.


A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.


Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.


It usually hides in tall grass. Be­ cause it dislikes fighting, it pro­ tects itself by kicking up sand.


Common in grassy areas and forests, it is very docile and will chase off enemies by flap­ ping up sand.


It rapidly flaps its wings in the grass, stirring up a dust cloud that drives insect prey out into the open.


PIDGEY has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.


PIDGEY has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.


It has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It can unerringly return home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.

Fire Red

Does not like to fight. It hides in tall grass and so on, foraging for food such as small bugs.

Leaf Green

A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.

Heart Gold

It usually hides in tall grass. Because it dislikes fighting, it protects itself by kicking up sand.

Soul Silver

Common in grassy areas and forests, it is very docile and will chase off enemies by flapping up sand.


Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter le combat. Toutefois, il se montre très féroce quand on l’agresse.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.


Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter le combat. Toutefois, il se montre très féroce quand on l’agresse.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.

Black 2

It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.

White 2

It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.


もりや はやしに おおく ぶんぷ。 ちじょうでも はげしく はばたいて すなを かけたりする。


숲이나 수풀에 많이 분포해 있다. 땅에서도 격렬한 날갯짓으로 모래를 뿌리기도 한다.


On l’aperçoit souvent dans les forêts. Avec ses ailes, il brasse l’air près du sol pour projeter du sable.


Ein vorwiegend in Wäldern lebendes Pokémon, das zur Verteidigung mit den Flügeln Sand aufwirbelt.


Muy común en bosques y selvas. Aletea al nivel del suelo para levantar la gravilla.


Molto comune in boschi e foreste, sbatte le ali a livello del suolo per sollevare sabbia accecante.


A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.


森や 林に 多く 分布。 地上でも 激しく はばたいて 砂を かけたりする。


たたかいを このまない おとなしい せいかくだが へたに てを だすと きょうれつに はんげきされるぞ。


싸움을 좋아하지 않는 얌전한 성격이지만 어설프게 건드리면 강력한 반격을 당하게 된다.


Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter le combat. Toutefois, il se montre très féroce quand on l’agresse.


Reizt man dieses an sich gutmütige Pokémon, wehrt es sich wütend.


Es manso y prefiere evitar los problemas. Sin embargo, si le molestan atacará ferozmente.


È docile e preferisce evitare i conflitti. Ma se viene disturbato, contrattacca ferocemente.


It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back.


戦いを 好まない おとなしい 性格だが 下手に 手を 出すと 強烈に 反撃されるぞ。

Omega Ruby

ほうこう かんかくに とても すぐれているので どんなに はなれた ばしょからでも まよわずに じぶんの す まで かえる ことが できる。

Omega Ruby

방향 감각이 매우 뛰어나서 아무리 멀리 떨어진 곳에서도 헤매지 않고 자신의 둥지까지 찾아 돌아올 수 있다.

Omega Ruby

Roucool a un excellent sens de l’orientation. Il est capable de retrouver son nid sans jamais se tromper, même s’il est très loin de chez lui et dans un environnement qu’il ne connaît pas.

Omega Ruby

Taubsi verfügt über einen sehr geschulten Orientierungssinn. Es kehrt zielsicher zu seinem Nest zurück, egal, wie weit es sich von seiner gewohnten Umgebung entfernt hat.

Omega Ruby

Pidgey tiene un sentido de la orientación muy desarrollado. Es capaz de regresar a su nido, por lejos que se encuentre de las zonas que le resultan familiares.

Omega Ruby

Pidgey ha un senso dell’orientamento molto sviluppato. È sempre in grado di ritornare al suo nido, anche quando si spinge molto lontano dal suo ambiente abituale.

Omega Ruby

Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.

Omega Ruby

方向 感覚に とても 優れているので どんなに 離れた 場所からでも 迷わずに 自分の 巣 まで 帰る ことが できる。

Alpha Sapphire

ほうこう かんかくに とても すぐれているので どんなに はなれた ばしょからでも まよわずに じぶんの す まで かえる ことが できる。

Alpha Sapphire

방향 감각이 매우 뛰어나서 아무리 멀리 떨어진 곳에서도 헤매지 않고 자신의 둥지까지 찾아 돌아올 수 있다.

Alpha Sapphire

Roucool a un excellent sens de l’orientation. Il est capable de retrouver son nid sans jamais se tromper, même s’il est très loin de chez lui et dans un environnement qu’il ne connaît pas.

Alpha Sapphire

Taubsi verfügt über einen sehr geschulten Orientierungssinn. Es kehrt zielsicher zu seinem Nest zurück, egal, wie weit es sich von seiner gewohnten Umgebung entfernt hat.

Alpha Sapphire

Pidgey tiene un sentido de la orientación muy desarrollado. Es capaz de regresar a su nido, por lejos que se encuentre de las zonas que le resultan familiares.

Alpha Sapphire

Pidgey ha un senso dell’orientamento molto sviluppato. È sempre in grado di ritornare al suo nido, anche quando si spinge molto lontano dal suo ambiente abituale.

Alpha Sapphire

Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings.

Alpha Sapphire

方向 感覚に とても 優れているので どんなに 離れた 場所からでも 迷わずに 自分の 巣 まで 帰る ことが できる。

Let's Go Pikachu

おとなしい せいかくで おそわれても はんげき せずに すなを かけて みを まもることが おおい。

Let's Go Pikachu

얌전한 성격이라 습격당해도 반격하지 않고 모래를 뿌려서 몸을 지키는 경우가 많다.

Let's Go Pikachu

性情溫馴,即使遭到襲擊 也很少反擊,只會朝對手 潑沙子來保護自己。

Let's Go Pikachu

De nature très docile, il préfère projeter du sable pour se défendre plutôt que contre-attaquer.

Let's Go Pikachu

Ein sanftmütiges Pokémon, welches lieber Sand zum Schutz aufwirbelt, als zurückzuschlagen.

Let's Go Pikachu

Su docilidad es tal que suelen defenderse levantando arena en lugar de contraatacar.

Let's Go Pikachu

Di indole docile, preferisce gettare sabbia verso il nemico per proteggersi piuttosto che attaccarlo.

Let's Go Pikachu

Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.

Let's Go Pikachu

おとなしい 性格で 襲われても 反撃 せずに 砂を かけて 身を 守ることが 多い。

Let's Go Pikachu

性格沉着冷静,即使受到 攻击也很少反击,只会朝 对手扬起沙子保护自己。

Let's Go Eevee

おとなしい せいかくで おそわれても はんげき せずに すなを かけて みを まもることが おおい。

Let's Go Eevee

얌전한 성격이라 습격당해도 반격하지 않고 모래를 뿌려서 몸을 지키는 경우가 많다.

Let's Go Eevee

性情溫馴,即使遭到襲擊 也很少反擊,只會朝對手 潑沙子來保護自己。

Let's Go Eevee

De nature très docile, il préfère projeter du sable pour se défendre plutôt que contre-attaquer.

Let's Go Eevee

Ein sanftmütiges Pokémon, welches lieber Sand zum Schutz aufwirbelt, als zurückzuschlagen.

Let's Go Eevee

Su docilidad es tal que suelen defenderse levantando arena en lugar de contraatacar.

Let's Go Eevee

Di indole docile, preferisce gettare sabbia verso il nemico per proteggersi piuttosto che attaccarlo.

Let's Go Eevee

Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.

Let's Go Eevee

おとなしい 性格で 襲われても 反撃 せずに 砂を かけて 身を 守ることが 多い。

Let's Go Eevee

性格沉着冷静,即使受到 攻击也很少反击,只会朝 对手扬起沙子保护自己。





Type matchup


ghost x 0
ground x 0

x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2


x 2


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D






