Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent and bite.
Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell.
When it is in danger, its tail uses some sort of mysterious powers to drive away the enemy.
GIRAFARIG’s rear head also has a brain, but it is small. The rear head attacks in response to smells and sounds. Approaching this POKéMON from behind can cause the rear head to suddenly lash out and bite.
GIRAFARIG’s rear head contains a tiny brain that is too small for thinking. However, the rear head doesn’t need to sleep, so it can keep watch over its surroundings 24 hours a day.
A GIRAFARIG is an herbivore--it eats grass and tree shoots. While it is eating, its tail makes chewing and swallowing motions as if it were also eating.
Fire Red
Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell.
Leaf Green
Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent and bite.
Its tail also has a small brain. It bites to repel any foe trying to sneak up on it from behind.
While it sleeps, the head on its tail keeps watch. The tail doesn’t need to sleep.
The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward.
Heart Gold
Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent by biting.
Soul Silver
Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell.
La tête qu’il a sur la queue dispose de son propre cerveau et lui permet de couvrir ses arrières.
The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward.
La tête qu’il a sur la queue dispose de son propre cerveau et lui permet de couvrir ses arrières.
The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward.
Black 2
The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward.
White 2
The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward.
ねむっている あいだ しっぽの あたまが あたりを みはっている。 しっぽは ねむらなくても へいき。
잠자는 동안 꼬리의 머리가 주위를 망보고 있다. 꼬리는 잠을 잘 필요가 없다.
La tête sur sa queue monte la garde quand il dort. Elle n’a pas besoin de dormir.
Während es schläft, hält sein Schweif Wache. Dieser benötigt keinen Schlaf.
Cuando duerme, la cabeza de su cola se queda vigilando, ya que ella no necesita dormir.
La testa che ha sulla coda rimane vigile mentre dorme. La coda, infatti, non ha bisogno di riposare.
While it sleeps, the head on its tail keeps watch. The tail doesn’t need to sleep.
眠っている あいだ 尻尾の 頭が あたりを 見張っている。 尻尾は 眠らなくても 平気。
しっぽにも ちいさな のうがある。 ちかよると においに はんのうして かみついて くるので ちゅうい。
꼬리에도 작은 뇌가 있다. 다가가면 냄새에 반응해서 물어서 공격하므로 주의하자.
Sa queue possède un cerveau. Si vous vous en approchez, elle vous sentira et vous mordra.
Sein Schweif hat ein eigenes Gehirn. Achtung! Kommst du ihm zu nahe, kann es dich riechen und beißt.
Su cola tiene un pequeño cerebro. ¡Cuidado! Si te acercas, puede reaccionar a tu olor y morder.
La coda possiede un cervello autonomo. Se ci si avvicina può fiutare la presenza e mordere.
Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent by biting.
尻尾にも 小さな 脳がある。 近寄ると においに 反応して かみついて くるので 注意。
Omega Ruby
シッポの あたまにも ちいさな のうが ある。 においや おとに はんのうして こうげきするので うしろから ちかよると いきなり かみつかれる。
Omega Ruby
꼬리의 머리에도 작은 뇌가 있다. 냄새나 소리에 반응하여 공격하기 때문에 뒤에서 접근하면 느닷없이 물린다.
Omega Ruby
La tête à l’arrière de Girafarig a aussi un cerveau, mais il est plus petit. Elle attaque en réponse aux sons et aux odeurs. Si on approche de ce Pokémon par derrière, cette petite tête peut tout à coup jaillir et mordre.
Omega Ruby
Der Kopf an Girafarigs Hinterteil hat ein eigenes Gehirn. Er reagiert mit Angriffen auf Gerüche und Geräusche. Wenn man sich diesem Pokémon von hinten nähert, könnte der hintere Kopf plötzlich vorschnellen und zubeißen.
Omega Ruby
Girafarig tiene un cerebro también en la cabeza de la cola que reacciona atacando ante olores y sonidos. Cuando alguien se acerca a este Pokémon por la espalda, puede provocar que la cabeza trasera se abalance y lo muerda.
Omega Ruby
La testa posteriore di Girafarig è dotata di un cervello piccolissimo. Attacca soltanto in risposta agli odori e ai suoni. Avvicinando questo Pokémon da dietro sussiste il pericolo di essere morsi dalla testa posteriore.
Omega Ruby
Girafarig’s rear head also has a brain, but it is small. The rear head attacks in response to smells and sounds. Approaching this Pokémon from behind can cause the rear head to suddenly lash out and bite.
Omega Ruby
シッポの 頭にも 小さな 脳が ある。 臭いや 音に 反応して 攻撃するので 後ろから 近寄ると いきなり かみつかれる。
Alpha Sapphire
しっぽの のうは かんがえごとが できないほど ちいさいけど ねむらなくても へいき なので 24じかん あたりを みはりつづけて いるぞ。
Alpha Sapphire
꼬리의 뇌는 생각을 할 수 없을 정도로 작지만 자지 않아도 괜찮아서 24시간 주변을 계속 망보고 있다.
Alpha Sapphire
La tête à l’arrière de Girafarig abrite un cerveau trop petit pour penser. En revanche, cette tête arrière n’a pas besoin de dormir, ce qui lui permet de monter la garde tout le temps.
Alpha Sapphire
Der Kopf an Girafarigs Hinterteil verfügt nur über ein kleines Gehirn, mit dem es nicht denken kann. Dieses Gehirn benötigt jedoch keinen Schlaf und ist somit in der Lage, die Umgebung rund um die Uhr im Auge zu behalten.
Alpha Sapphire
La cabeza trasera de Girafarig tiene un cerebro muy pequeño para pensar, pero, como no le hace falta dormir, al menos puede hacer de centinela las 24 horas del día.
Alpha Sapphire
La testa posteriore di Girafarig contiene un cervello minuto, troppo piccolo per pensare. Tuttavia, questa testolina non dorme mai, così può rimanere di sorveglianza 24 ore su 24.
Alpha Sapphire
Girafarig’s rear head contains a tiny brain that is too small for thinking. However, the rear head doesn’t need to sleep, so it can keep watch over its surroundings 24 hours a day.
Alpha Sapphire
尻尾の 脳は 考えごとが 出来ないほど 小さいけど 眠らなくても 平気 なので 24時間 あたりを 見張り続けて いるぞ。