If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey.
Before food be comes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hid den locations.
It always licks honey. Its palm tastes sweet because of all the honey it has absorbed.
This POKéMON likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by being soaked in honey. TEDDIURSA concocts its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by BEEDRILL.
This POKéMON likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by being soaked in honey. TEDDIURSA concocts its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by BEEDRILL.
It licks its palms that are sweetened by being soaked in honey. A TEDDIURSA makes its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by BEEDRILL.
Fire Red
Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations.
Leaf Green
If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey.
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
Heart Gold
If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they’re soaked with honey.
Soul Silver
Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations.
Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel pour les lécher. Chaque paire de pattes a un goût unique.
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel pour les lécher. Chaque paire de pattes a un goût unique.
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
Black 2
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
White 2
It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique.
ミツをみつけると みかづきもようが かがやく。あまいミツが しみこんだ てのひらを いつも なめている。
꿀을 발견하면 초승달 모양이 빛난다. 달콤한꿀이 배어든 손바닥을 항상 핥고 있다.
Sa marque en forme de lune brille quand il trouve du miel. Il lèche ses pattes qui en sont toujours couvertes.
Findet es Honig, leuchtet die Sichel auf seinem Kopf. Es leckt oft seine mit Honig bedeckten Pfoten.
Si encuentra miel, brillará la marca de su frente. Se lame las garras cuando están llenas de miel.
Se trova del miele la sua mezzaluna diventa più luminosa. Si lecca le zampe intrise di miele.
If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they’re soaked with honey.
ミツを見つけると 三日月模様が 輝く。甘いミツが 染みこんだ 手のひらを いつも なめている。
たべものが へる ふゆのまえに あちこちに たべものを かくす しゅうせいを もっている。
먹이가 줄어드는 겨울 전에 이곳저곳에 먹을 것을 숨겨두는 습성을 지니고 있다.
Il se fait des réserves de nourriture dans des cachettes avant l’arrivée de l’hiver.
Steht der Winter vor der Türe, hortet es Nahrung an vielen verschiedenen, nur ihm bekannten Orten.
Antes de que la comida escasee en invierno, tiene por costumbre ocultar comida en lugares secretos.
Per prepararsi all’inverno, è sua abitudine accumulare il cibo in diversi nascondigli.
Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations.
食べ物が 減る 冬の前に あちこちに 食べ物を 隠す 習性を 持っている。
Omega Ruby
ミツの しみこんだ てのひらを なめている。 ヒメグマの ミツは くだものと スピアーの あつめた かふんが ブレンドされて つくられる。
Omega Ruby
꿀이 밴 손바닥을 핥고 있다. 깜지곰의 꿀은 과일과 독침붕이 모은 꽃가루가 혼합되어 만들어진다.
Omega Ruby
Ce Pokémon aime se lécher les paumes quand elles sont encore pleines de miel. Teddiursa concocte son propre miel en mélangeant les fruits et le pollen ramassés par Dardargnan.
Omega Ruby
Teddiursa leckt gern seine mit Honig bedeckten Pranken ab. Dieses Pokémon bereitet seinen eigenen Honig zu, indem es die von Bibor gesammelten Früchte und Pollen miteinander vermengt.
Omega Ruby
A Teddiursa le encanta chuparse las palmas impregnadas de dulce miel. Este Pokémon fabrica su propia miel mezclando frutos y el polen que recoge Beedrill.
Omega Ruby
È solito inzuppare nel miele le zampe anteriori per poi succhiarle avidamente. Teddiursa produce il proprio miele dai frutti e dal polline raccolto da Beedrill.
Omega Ruby
This Pokémon likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by being soaked in honey. Teddiursa concocts its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by Beedrill.
Omega Ruby
ミツの 染み込んだ 手の平を なめている。 ヒメグマの ミツは 果物と スピアーの 集めた 花粉が ブレンドされて つくられる。
Alpha Sapphire
ハチミツの しみこんだ てのひらを なめている。 ヒメグマの ハチミツは くだものと スピアーの あつめた かふんが ブレンドされて つくられる。
Alpha Sapphire
꿀이 밴 손바닥을 핥고 있다. 깜지곰의 꿀은 과일과 독침붕이 모은 꽃가루가 혼합되어 만들어진다.
Alpha Sapphire
Ce Pokémon aime se lécher les paumes quand elles sont encore pleines de miel. Teddiursa concocte son propre miel en mélangeant les fruits et le pollen récolté par Dardargnan.
Alpha Sapphire
Teddiursa leckt gern seine mit Honig bedeckten Pfoten ab. Dieses Pokémon bereitet seinen eigenen Honig zu, indem es die von Bibor gesammelten Früchte und Pollen vermengt.
Alpha Sapphire
A Teddiursa le encanta chuparse las palmas impregnadas de dulce miel. Este Pokémon fabrica su propia miel mezclando frutos y el polen que recoge Beedrill.
Alpha Sapphire
È solito inzuppare nel miele le zampe anteriori per poi succhiarle avidamente. Teddiursa produce il proprio miele dai frutti e dal polline raccolto da Beedrill.
Alpha Sapphire
This Pokémon likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by being soaked in honey. Teddiursa concocts its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by Beedrill.
Alpha Sapphire
ハチミツの 染み込んだ 手の平を なめている。 ヒメグマの ハチミツは 果物と スピアーの 集めた 花粉が ブレンドされて つくられる。
Legends Arceus
It licks its paws because of the sweet honey that has soaked into them. It is cunning, stealing into the nests of Combee and taking for itself the honey that the Combee have amassed.