It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.
It has an incred ible ability to calm raging sto rms. It is said that LUGIA appears when storms start.
LUGIA’s wings pack devastating power - a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this POKéMON chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.
LUGIA’s wings pack devastating power - a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this POKéMON chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.
LUGIA is so powerful even a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart houses. As a result, it chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.
Fire Red
It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.
Leaf Green
It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
Heart Gold
It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
Soul Silver
It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.
Il dort dans une faille des grands fonds. Ses battements d’ailes génèrent une tempête de 40 jours.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
Il dort dans une faille des grands fonds. Ses battements d’ailes génèrent une tempête de 40 jours.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
Black 2
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
White 2
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
ふかい かいこうの そこで ねむる。 ルギアが はばたくと 40にち あらしが つづくと いわれている。
깊은 해구의 밑바닥에서 잠잔다. 루기아가 날개를 치면 40일 동안 폭풍우가 계속된다고 전해진다.
Il dort dans une faille des grands fonds. Ses battements d’ailes génèrent une tempête de 40 jours.
Es schläft in einem Tiefseegraben. Schwingt es seine Flügel, entsteht ein Sturm, der 40 Tage dauert.
Duerme en una dorsal marina. Si bate sus alas, puede causar tormentas de 40 días.
Dorme in una fossa negli abissi marini. Con un battito d’ali provoca una tempesta di 40 giorni.
It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm.
深い 海溝の 底で 眠る。 ルギアが 羽ばたくと 40日 嵐が 続くと 言われている。
うみのかみさま と つたえられる ポケモン。あらしのよる すがたを みたという はなしが つたえられる。
바다의 신이라고 전해지는 포켓몬이다. 폭풍 치는 밤에 모습을 봤다는 이야기가 전해져온다.
Il est supposé être le gardien des sept mers. On raconte qu’il est apparu une nuit de forte tempête.
Man berichtet, es sei der Wächter der Meere und man habe es im Herzen eines tosenden Sturmes gesehen.
Dicen que es el guardián de los mares. Hay rumores de que fue visto en una noche de tormenta.
Viene definito il guardiano dei mari. Si dice che sia stato visto nelle notti di tempesta.
It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.
海の神様と 伝えられる ポケモン。 嵐の 夜 姿を 見たという 話が 伝えられる。
Omega Ruby
つばさを かるく はばたかせた だけで みんかを ふきとばす はかいりょくを もっている ために かいていで ひとしれず くらす ように なった。
Omega Ruby
가벼운 날갯짓만으로도 민가를 날려버릴 만한 파괴력을 지니고 있어서 해저에서 사람들 몰래 살게 됐다.
Omega Ruby
Les ailes de Lugia renferment une puissance dévastatrice. Un simple battement de ses ailes peut détruire de petites maisons. Du coup, ce Pokémon a choisi de vivre loin de tout, dans les profondeurs océaniques.
Omega Ruby
Lugias Flügel haben eine zerstörerische Kraft. Bereits ein leichtes Flattern kann Häuser hinfortwehen. Daher hat sich dieses Pokémon dafür entschieden, tief unter dem Meer zu leben, wo es niemand sieht.
Omega Ruby
La fuerza que tiene Lugia en las alas es devastadora; con nada que las bata es capaz de derribar edificios enteros. Por eso mismo, prefiere vivir donde no haya nadie, en lo más profundo del mar.
Omega Ruby
Le ali di Lugia hanno un’enorme potenza distruttiva: un leggero battito d’ali è in grado di abbattere una normale abitazione. Perciò il Pokémon ha scelto di vivere lontano dall’uomo, nelle profondità abissali.
Omega Ruby
Lugia’s wings pack devastating power—a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.
Omega Ruby
翼を 軽く 羽ばたかせた だけで 民家を 吹き飛ばす 破壊力を 持っている ために 海底で 人知れず 暮らす ように なった。
Alpha Sapphire
つばさを かるく はばたかせた だけで みんかを ふきとばす はかいりょくを もっている ために かいていで ひとしれず くらす ように なった。
Alpha Sapphire
가벼운 날갯짓만으로도 민가를 날려버릴 만한 파괴력을 지니고 있어서 해저에서 사람들 몰래 살게 됐다.
Alpha Sapphire
Les ailes de Lugia renferment une puissance dévastatrice. Un simple battement de ses ailes peut détruire de petites maisons. Du coup, ce Pokémon a choisi de vivre loin de tout, dans les profondeurs océaniques.
Alpha Sapphire
Lugias Flügel haben eine zerstörerische Kraft. Bereits ein leichtes Flattern kann Häuser hinfortwehen. Daher hat sich dieses Pokémon dafür entschieden, tief unten im Meer zu leben, wo es niemand sieht.
Alpha Sapphire
La fuerza que tiene Lugia en las alas es devastadora; con nada que las bata es capaz de derribar edificios enteros. Por eso mismo, prefiere vivir donde no haya nadie, en lo más profundo del mar.
Alpha Sapphire
Le ali di Lugia hanno un’enorme potenza distruttiva: un leggero battito d’ali è in grado di abbattere una normale abitazione. Perciò il Pokémon ha scelto di vivere lontano dall’uomo, nelle profondità abissali.
Alpha Sapphire
Lugia’s wings pack devastating power—a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.
Alpha Sapphire
翼を 軽く 羽ばたかせた だけで 民家を 吹き飛ばす 破壊力を 持っている ために 海底で 人知れず 暮らす ように なった。