The surface of MARSHTOMP’s body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This POKéMON plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low.
MARSHTOMP is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at swimming. This POKéMON’s hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.
Its toughened hind legs enable it to stand upright. Because it weakens if its skin dries out, it replenishes fluids by playing in mud.
Fire Red
It is at its best when on muddy ground with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms foes struggling in mud.
Leaf Green
It is at its best when on muddy ground with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms foes struggling in mud.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
Heart Gold
Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy.
Soul Silver
Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy.
Ses jambes robustes lui donnent un bon appui, même dans la boue. Il dort enfoui dans la saleté.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
Ses jambes robustes lui donnent un bon appui, même dans la boue. Il dort enfoui dans la saleté.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
Black 2
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
White 2
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
ぬかるんだ あしばでも しっかり あるける じょうぶな あしこし。 どろに からだを うめて ねむる。
발밑이 질퍽거려도 잘 걸을 수 있는 튼튼한 다리를 가졌다. 진흙에 몸을 묻고 잠잔다.
Ses jambes robustes lui donnent un bon appui, même dans la boue. Il dort enfoui dans la saleté.
Seine kräftigen Beine geben ihm sicheren Halt. Es gräbt sich in Dreck ein, wenn es schlafen will.
Sus piernas robustas impiden que pierda el equilibrio y caiga, incluso en el barro. Duerme bajo la arena.
Grazie alle zampe vigorose, si muove con disinvoltura anche nel fango. Dorme immerso nella melma.
Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep.
ぬかるんだ 足場でも しっかり 歩ける 丈夫な 足腰。 泥に 体を 埋めて 眠る。
ドロドロに ぬかるんだ あしばで せいかつする うちに きたえられ きょうじんな あしこしに なった。
걸쭉하게 질퍽거리는 땅을 밟으며 생활하면서 단련되어 팔다리가 강인해졌다.
À force de marcher et de vivre dans la boue, son arrière-train est devenu particulièrement robuste.
Der zähe Morast seiner Heimat hat seine Beine gestählt und ihnen gewaltige Kraft verliehen.
Vive en el lodo, lo que contribuye a que sus piernas sean extremadamente robustas.
Dato che si allena sempre sguazzando nel fango, si ritrova con due arti inferiori fortissimi.
Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy.
ドロドロに ぬかるんだ 足場で 生活する うちに 鍛えられ 強靭な 足腰に なった。
Omega Ruby
ちじょうでも せいかつできる ように からだの ひょうめんを うすい ねんまくが つつんでいる。 しおの ひいた かいがんで どろあそびを する。
Omega Ruby
지상에서도 생활할 수 있도록 몸의 표면을 얇은 점막이 둘러싸고 있다. 썰물이 된 해안에서 흙놀이를 한다.
Omega Ruby
Le corps de Flobio est enveloppé par un film fin et collant qui lui permet de vivre hors de l’eau. Ce Pokémon joue dans la vase sur les plages lorsque la marée est basse.
Omega Ruby
Moorabbels Körper ist mit einem klebrigen Film überzogen, durch den es an Land überleben kann. Dieses Pokémon spielt bei Ebbe in den Schlammpfützen am Strand.
Omega Ruby
El cuerpo de Marshtomp está cubierto por una fina película pegajosa gracias a la cual puede vivir en tierra. Cuando la marea está baja, a este Pokémon le encanta jugar en el fango.
Omega Ruby
La superficie corporea di Marshtomp è avvolta da una spessa pellicola appiccicosa che gli consente di vivere sulla terraferma. Questo Pokémon gioca con la fanghiglia sul fondo del mare nei momenti di bassa marea.
Omega Ruby
The surface of Marshtomp’s body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low.
Omega Ruby
地上でも 生活できる ように 体の 表面を 薄い 粘膜が 包んでいる。 潮の 引いた 海岸で 泥遊びを する。
Alpha Sapphire
すいちゅうを およぐより どろの なかを すすむ ほうが だんぜん はやく いどうできる。 あしこしが はったつして 2ほんあしで あるく。
Alpha Sapphire
물속을 헤엄치는 것보다 진흙 속에서 이동하는 편이 훨씬 빠르게 이동할 수 있다. 하반신이 발달하여 두 다리로 걷는다.
Alpha Sapphire
Flobio est bien plus rapide dans la boue que dans l’eau. L’arrière-train de ce Pokémon est particulièrement développé, ce qui lui donne la capacité de marcher sur ses pattes arrière.
Alpha Sapphire
Moorabbel kommt im Schlamm besser voran als im Wasser. Das Hinterteil dieses Pokémon ist gut entwickelt, sodass es auf seinen Hinterbeinen laufen kann.
Alpha Sapphire
Marshtomp se desplaza más rápido por el lodo que por el agua. Los cuartos traseros de este Pokémon muestran un desarrollo más que evidente, lo que le permite andar solo sobre las patas traseras.
Alpha Sapphire
Marshtomp è molto più a suo agio nel fango che non in acqua e sa muoversi con estrema rapidità. La parte inferiore del suo corpo mostra un chiaro sviluppo, consentendogli di camminare solo sugli arti inferiori.
Alpha Sapphire
Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at swimming. This Pokémon’s hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.
Alpha Sapphire
水中を 泳ぐより 泥の 中を 進む ほうが 断然 速く 移動できる。 足腰が 発達して 2本足で 歩く。