SWELLOW flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This POKéMON dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by SWELLOW’s clawed feet, preventing escape.
SWELLOW is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two SWELLOW are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other’s wings.
A SWELLOW dives upon prey from far above. It never misses its targets. It takes to the skies in search of lands with a warm climate.
Fire Red
If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky.
Leaf Green
If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky.
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
Heart Gold
It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws.
Soul Silver
It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws.
Il vole en cercle en quête d’une proie. Dès qu’il l’a repérée, il fond sur elle en un éclair.
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
Il vole en cercle en quête d’une proie. Dès qu’il l’a repérée, il fond sur elle en un éclair.
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
Black 2
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
White 2
It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey.
2ほんの おばねが ピンと たって いれば けんこうな しょうこ。 ゆうがに おおぞらを とびまわる。
2개의 꼬리날개가 꼿꼿하게 서 있으면 건강하다는 증거다. 우아하게 넓은 하늘을 날아다닌다.
Si les plumes de ses deux queues restent bien droites, cela signifie qu’Hélédelle est en bonne santé. Son élégance est sans pareille.
Wenn seine beiden Schwanzfedern aufrecht stehen, zeigt das, dass es bei bester Gesundheit ist. Es fliegt elegant in den Himmel empor.
Cuando se encuentra bien, pone firmes las plumas de la cola doble que tiene. Remonta el vuelo de forma muy elegante.
Se le due penne sulla coda sono ritte, significa che è in buona salute. Si libra elegantemente nel cielo.
If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky.
2本の 尾羽が ピンと 立って いれば 健康な 証拠。 優雅に 大空を 飛び回る。
もりに すむ えものを みつけると じょうくうから きゅうこうか。 するどい ツメで つかまえる。
숲에 사는 먹이를 찾으면 상공에서 급강하해서 예리한 발톱으로 잡는다.
Une fois sa proie repérée, il fond sur elle en un éclair et la capture avec ses griffes acérées.
Findet es Beute, stürzt es sich aus großer Höhe darauf und packt sie mit seinen spitzen Krallen.
Vive en los bosques. Si encuentra una presa, se lanza en picado y la atrapa con sus afiladas garras.
Trova nella foresta le sue prede, vi si scaglia sopra in picchiata e le afferra con i suoi artigli affilati.
It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws.
森に 住む 獲物を 見つけると 上空から 急降下。 鋭い ツメで 捕まえる。
Omega Ruby
はるか じょうくうを えんを えがく ように とびまわり えものを みつけると きゅうこうか。 あしの ツメで がっしり つかんで にがさない。
Omega Ruby
높은 상공을 원을 그리듯 날아다니다 먹이를 발견하면 급강하한다. 발톱으로 단단히 잡고 놓치지 않는다.
Omega Ruby
Hélédelle vole dans les cieux en dessinant de grands arcs. Ce Pokémon plonge en piqué dès qu’il repère sa proie. Il attrape fermement la malheureuse cible dans ses serres, empêchant toute fuite.
Omega Ruby
Dieses Pokémon taucht in einem steilen Winkel ab, sobald es Beute wahrgenommen hat. Es packt seine Beute mit seinen Krallen und lässt sie nicht mehr entkommen.
Omega Ruby
Swellow vuela muy alto dibujando elegantes arcos en el cielo. Este Pokémon se sumerge en el agua con rapidez y eficacia en cuanto detecta una presa. Con las garras, atrapa a la desdichada víctima y no la deja huir.
Omega Ruby
Swellow vola alto sopra le nostre teste disegnando armoniosi archi in cielo. Appena scova una preda si lancia su di essa in picchiata. Swellow cattura poi la sventurata preda con le sue zampe artigliate impedendole la fuga.
Omega Ruby
Swellow flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by Swellow’s clawed feet, preventing escape.
Omega Ruby
はるか 上空を 円を 描く ように 飛び回り 獲物を 見つけると 急降下。 足の ツメで がっしり つかんで 逃がさない。
Alpha Sapphire
ツヤの ある はねの ていれは おこたらない。 オオスバメが 2ひき あつまると かならず おたがいの はねを きれいに ていれするぞ。
Alpha Sapphire
윤이 나는 깃털의 손질을 게을리하지 않는다. 스왈로 두 마리가 모이면 반드시 서로의 깃털을 깨끗이 손질한다.
Alpha Sapphire
Hélédelle fait attention à bien entretenir ses ailes brillantes. Lorsque deux Hélédelle se rencontrent, ils se nettoient mutuellement les ailes avec attention.
Alpha Sapphire
Schwalboss ist sehr gewissenhaft bei der Pflege seiner glänzenden Flügel. Wenn zwei Schwalboss zusammen sind, putzen sie sich ihre Flügel gegenseitig.
Alpha Sapphire
Swellow se preocupa a conciencia del mantenimiento de sus lustrosas alas. Cuando hay dos juntos, el uno se ocupa de limpiarle las alas al otro.
Alpha Sapphire
Swellow è molto attento a mantenere le proprie ali sempre lucide e splendenti. Spesso si incontra coi propri simili e questi Pokémon in gruppo si lisciano vicendevolmente le piume.
Alpha Sapphire
Swellow is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other’s wings.
Alpha Sapphire
ツヤの ある 羽の 手入れは 怠らない。 オオスバメが 2匹 集まると 必ず お互いの 羽を きれいに 手入れするぞ。