


#151 Mew


Pokédex Entries

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 4kg


So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide.


So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide.


When viewed through a micro­ scope, this POKéMON's short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.


Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it.


Its DNA is said to contain the genet­ ic codes of all POKéMON, so it can use all kinds of techniques.


Because it can learn any move, some people began research to see if it is the ancestor of all POKéMON.


MEW is said to possess the genetic composition of all POKéMON. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.


MEW is said to possess the genetic composition of all POKéMON. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.


A MEW is said to possess the genes of all POKéMON. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.

Fire Red

A POKéMON of South America that was thought to have been extinct. It is very intelligent and learns any move.

Leaf Green

So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe MEW to be the ancestor of Pokémon.

Heart Gold

Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it.

Soul Silver

Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques.


Nombre de scientifiques voient en lui l’ancêtre des Pokémon car il maîtrise toutes leurs capacités.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon.


Nombre de scientifiques voient en lui l’ancêtre des Pokémon car il maîtrise toutes leurs capacités.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon.

Black 2

Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon.

White 2

Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon.


あらゆる わざを つかうため ポケモンの せんぞと かんがえる がくしゃが たくさん いる。


모든 기술을 사용하기 때문에 포켓몬의 조상이라고 생각하는 학자가 많다.


Nombre de scientifiques voient en lui l’ancêtre des Pokémon car il maîtrise toutes leurs capacités.


Es beherrscht alle möglichen Attacken, daher sieht man in ihm den Vorfahren aller Pokémon.


Varios científicos lo consideran el antecesor de los Pokémon porque usa todo tipo de movimientos.


Poiché sa usare qualsiasi mossa, molti scienziati ritengono che Mew sia l’antenato di tutti i Pokémon.


Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon.


あらゆる 技を 使うため ポケモンの 先祖と 考える 学者が たくさん いる。


いでんしには すべての ポケモンの じょうほうが ふくまれているので あらゆる わざが つかえるという。


유전자에는 모든 포켓몬의 정보가 담겨 있기 때문에 모든 기술을 쓸 수 있다고 전해진다.


Son ADN contient les codes génétiques de tous les Pokémon. Il peut utiliser nombre de techniques.


Seine DNS soll den genetischen Code aller Pokémon beinhalten. Dadurch kann es alle Attacken erlernen.


Dicen que su ADN contiene el código genético de todos los Pokémon, por lo que conoce cualquier técnica.


Pare che il suo DNA contenga i codici genetici di tutti i Pokémon; per questo può usare qualsiasi tecnica.


Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques.


遺伝子には すべての ポケモンの 情報が 含まれているので あらゆる 技が 使えるという。

Omega Ruby

すべての ポケモンの いでんしを もつと いう。 じゆうじざいに すがたを けすことが できるので ひとに ちかづいても まったく きづかれない。

Omega Ruby

모든 포켓몬의 유전자를 가졌다고 한다. 자유자재로 모습을 숨길 수 있어서 사람에게 가까이 다가가도 절대 들키지 않는다.

Omega Ruby

On dit que Mew possède le code génétique de tous les autres Pokémon. Il peut se rendre invisible à sa guise, ce qui lui permet de ne pas se faire remarquer quand il s’approche des gens.

Omega Ruby

Mew soll die genetische Zusammensetzung aller Pokémon besitzen. Es kann sich unsichtbar machen, sodass es sich auch Menschen nähern kann, ohne bemerkt zu werden.

Omega Ruby

Dicen que Mew posee el mapa genético de todos los Pokémon. Puede hacerse invisible cuando quiere, así que pasa desapercibido cada vez que se le acerca alguien.

Omega Ruby

Si dice che Mew possegga il patrimonio genetico di tutti i Pokémon. È in grado di rendersi invisibile, quando vuole, in modo da non farsi notare nemmeno da vicino.

Omega Ruby

Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.

Omega Ruby

すべての ポケモンの 遺伝子を もつと いう。 自由自在に 姿を 消すことが できるので 人に 近づいても まったく 気づかれない。

Alpha Sapphire

すべての ポケモンの いでんしを もつと いう。 じゆうじざいに すがたを けすことが できるので ひとに ちかづいても まったく きづかれない。

Alpha Sapphire

모든 포켓몬의 유전자를 가졌다고 한다. 자유자재로 모습을 숨길 수 있어서 사람에게 가까이 다가가도 절대 들키지 않는다.

Alpha Sapphire

On dit que Mew possède le code génétique de tous les autres Pokémon. Il peut se rendre invisible à sa guise, ce qui lui permet de ne pas se faire remarquer quand il s’approche des gens.

Alpha Sapphire

Mew soll die genetische Zusammensetzung aller Pokémon besitzen. Es kann sich unsichtbar machen, sodass es sich auch Menschen nähern kann, ohne bemerkt zu werden.

Alpha Sapphire

Dicen que Mew posee el mapa genético de todos los Pokémon. Puede hacerse invisible cuando quiere, así que pasa desapercibido cada vez que se le acerca alguien.

Alpha Sapphire

Si dice che Mew possegga il patrimonio genetico di tutti i Pokémon. È in grado di rendersi invisibile, quando vuole, in modo da non farsi notare nemmeno da vicino.

Alpha Sapphire

Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.

Alpha Sapphire

すべての ポケモンの 遺伝子を もつと いう。 自由自在に 姿を 消すことが できるので 人に 近づいても まったく 気づかれない。

Let's Go Pikachu

けんびきょうで のぞいてみたら ひじょうに みじかくて ほそい こまやかな たいもうが はえていた。

Let's Go Pikachu

현미경으로 관찰하면 매우 짧고 가는 털이 촘촘하게 나 있다.

Let's Go Pikachu

用顯微鏡觀察就會發現, 牠的身上長著又細又短, 十分細緻的體毛。

Let's Go Pikachu

À l’aide d’un microscope, on peut distinguer le pelage extrêmement court, fin et délicat de ce Pokémon.

Let's Go Pikachu

Wenn man Mews Haut mithilfe eines Mikroskops betrachtet, so erkennt man ein Fell aus vielen feinen und kurzen Härchen.

Let's Go Pikachu

Si se observa a través de un microscopio, puede distinguirse cuán corto, fino y delicado es el pelaje de este Pokémon.

Let's Go Pikachu

Osservando al microscopio la pelle di Mew si può constatare che è ricoperta da una fitta peluria, corta e fine.

Let's Go Pikachu

When viewed through a microscope, this Pokémon’s short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.

Let's Go Pikachu

顕微鏡で 覗いてみたら 非常に 短くて 細い こまやかな 体毛が 生えていた。

Let's Go Pikachu

用显微镜可以看到 它身上极短极细 且密集的体毛。

Let's Go Eevee

けんびきょうで のぞいてみたら ひじょうに みじかくて ほそい こまやかな たいもうが はえていた。

Let's Go Eevee

현미경으로 관찰하면 매우 짧고 가는 털이 촘촘하게 나 있다.

Let's Go Eevee

用顯微鏡觀察就會發現, 牠的身上長著又細又短, 十分細緻的體毛。

Let's Go Eevee

À l’aide d’un microscope, on peut distinguer le pelage extrêmement court, fin et délicat de ce Pokémon.

Let's Go Eevee

Wenn man Mews Haut mithilfe eines Mikroskops betrachtet, so erkennt man ein Fell aus vielen feinen und kurzen Härchen.

Let's Go Eevee

Si se observa a través de un microscopio, puede distinguirse cuán corto, fino y delicado es el pelaje de este Pokémon.

Let's Go Eevee

Osservando al microscopio la pelle di Mew si può constatare che è ricoperta da una fitta peluria, corta e fine.

Let's Go Eevee

When viewed through a microscope, this Pokémon’s short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.

Let's Go Eevee

顕微鏡で 覗いてみたら 非常に 短くて 細い こまやかな 体毛が 生えていた。

Let's Go Eevee

用显微镜可以看到 它身上极短极细 且密集的体毛。





Type matchup



x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2


x 2


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D





