


#150 Mewtwo


Pokédex Entries

Height: 2m

Weight: 122kg


It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.


It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.


Its DNA is almost the same as MEW's. However, its size and disposition are vastly dif­ ferent.


Because its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level, it thinks only of de­ feating its foes.


It usually remains motionless to con­ serve energy, so that it may un­ leash its full power in battle.


Said to rest qui­ etly in an undiscovered cave, this POKéMON was created solely for battling.


MEWTWO is a POKéMON that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this POKéMON’s body, they failed to endow MEWTWO with a compassionate heart.


MEWTWO is a POKéMON that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this POKéMON’s body, they failed to endow MEWTWO with a compassionate heart.


A POKéMON that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans made its body, they failed to give it a warm heart.

Fire Red

A POKéMON whose genetic code was repeatedly recombined for research. It turned vicious as a result.

Leaf Green

It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene-splicing and DNA- engineering experiments.


A Pokémon created by recombining MEW’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.


A Pokémon created by recombining MEW’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.


A Pokémon created by recombining MEW’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.

Heart Gold

Because its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level, it thinks only of defeating its foes.

Soul Silver

It usually remains motionless to conserve energy, so that it may unleash its full power in battle.


Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant les gènes de Mew. On raconte qu’il s’agit du Pokémon le plus féroce.


A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.


Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant les gènes de Mew. On raconte qu’il s’agit du Pokémon le plus féroce.


A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.

Black 2

A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.

White 2

A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.


ひとりの かがくしゃが なんねんも おそろしい いでんし けんきゅうを つづけた けっか たんじょうした。


한 과학자가 몇 년에 걸쳐 무서운 유전자의 연구를 계속한 결과 탄생했다.


Il est le fruit de nombreuses expériences génétiques horribles et malsaines.


Dieses Pokémon ist das Resultat eines jahrelangen und skrupellosen Experimentes.


Fue creado por un científico tras años de horribles experimentos de ingeniería genética.


Creato da uno scienziato dopo anni di orribili esperimenti di ingegneria genetica.


It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene-splicing and DNA-engineering experiments.


1人の 科学者が 何年も 恐ろしい 遺伝子 研究を 続けた 結果 誕生した。


ミュウの いでんしを くみかえて うみだされた。ポケモンで いちばん きょうぼうな こころを もつという。


뮤의 유전자를 재구성해서 만들어졌다. 포켓몬 중에서 가장 난폭한 마음을 가지고 있다고 한다.


Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant les gènes de Mew. On raconte qu’il s’agit du Pokémon le plus féroce.


Die Gene von Mew wurden neu angeordnet, wodurch dieses Pokémon entstand. Es hat ein wildes Herz.


Pokémon creado por recombinación genética de Mew. Se dice que es el más salvaje de los Pokémon.


Un Pokémon creato usando i geni di Mew. Si dice che fra i Pokémon sia quello con l’animo più crudele.


A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon.


ミュウの 遺伝子を 組み替えて 生み出された。ポケモンで 一番 凶暴な 心を 持つという。

Omega Ruby

いでんしそうさに よって つくられた ポケモン。 にんげんの かがくりょくで からだは つくれても やさしい こころを つくることは できなかった。

Omega Ruby

유전자조작을 통해 만들어진 포켓몬이다. 인간은 과학의 힘으로 몸은 만들었지만 상냥한 마음을 만들 수는 없었다.

Omega Ruby

Mewtwo est un Pokémon créé par manipulation génétique. Cependant, bien que les connaissances scientifiques des humains aient réussi à créer son corps, elles n’ont pas pu doter Mewtwo d’un cœur sensible.

Omega Ruby

Mewtu ist ein Pokémon, das durch Genmanipulation entstanden ist. Die Menschen haben es zwar mit ihrem wissenschaftlichen Sachverstand erzeugt, aber nicht mit einem mitfühlenden Herzen ausgestattet.

Omega Ruby

Mewtwo fue creado por manipulación genética. Pero, a pesar de que el hombre creó su cuerpo, dotar a Mewtwo de un corazón compasivo quedó en el olvido.

Omega Ruby

Mewtwo è stato creato grazie a una manipolazione genetica. Tuttavia, sebbene la scienza sia riuscita a creare un corpo di Pokémon, ha fallito nell’intento di dare a Mewtwo un animo generoso.

Omega Ruby

Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon’s body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart.

Omega Ruby

遺伝子操作に よって つくられた ポケモン。 人間の 科学力で 体は つくれても 優しい 心を つくることは できなかった。

Alpha Sapphire

いでんしそうさに よって つくられた ポケモン。 にんげんの かがくりょくで からだは つくれても やさしい こころを つくることは できなかった。

Alpha Sapphire

유전자조작을 통해 만들어진 포켓몬이다. 인간은 과학의 힘으로 몸은 만들었지만 상냥한 마음을 만들 수는 없었다.

Alpha Sapphire

Mewtwo est un Pokémon créé par manipulation génétique. Cependant, bien que les connaissances scientifiques des humains aient réussi à créer son corps, elles n’ont pas pu doter Mewtwo d’un cœur sensible.

Alpha Sapphire

Mewtu ist ein Pokémon, das durch Genmanipulation entstanden ist. Die Menschen haben es zwar mit ihrem wissenschaftlichen Sachverstand erzeugt, aber nicht mit einem mitfühlenden Herzen ausgestattet.

Alpha Sapphire

Mewtwo fue creado por manipulación genética. Pero, a pesar de que el hombre creó su cuerpo, dotar a Mewtwo de un corazón compasivo quedó en el olvido.

Alpha Sapphire

Mewtwo è stato creato grazie a una manipolazione genetica. Tuttavia, sebbene la scienza sia riuscita a creare un corpo di Pokémon, ha fallito nell’intento di dare a Mewtwo un animo generoso.

Alpha Sapphire

Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon’s body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart.

Alpha Sapphire

遺伝子操作に よって つくられた ポケモン。 人間の 科学力で 体は つくれても 優しい 心を つくることは できなかった。

Let's Go Pikachu

ミュウの いでんしと ほとんど おなじ。だが おおきさも せいかくも おそろしいほど ちがっている。

Let's Go Pikachu

뮤의 유전자와 거의 같다. 하지만 크기도 성격도 무서울 정도로 다르다.

Let's Go Pikachu

身上的基因與夢幻幾乎一樣, 但無論是體型大小還是性格 都與夢幻有著巨大的差別。

Let's Go Pikachu

Son ADN est presque le même que celui de Mew, mais sa taille et son caractère sont très différents.

Let's Go Pikachu

Mewtu und Mew weisen sehr ähnliche Gene auf, doch hinsichtlich ihres Charakters und ihrer Größe unterscheiden sich die beiden erheblich.

Let's Go Pikachu

Su ADN es casi el mismo que el de Mew. Sin embargo, su tamaño y carácter son muy diferentes.

Let's Go Pikachu

Il suo DNA è quasi uguale a quello di Mew. Ciò nonostante, sono agli antipodi per dimensioni e carattere.

Let's Go Pikachu

Its DNA is almost the same as Mew’s. However, its size and disposition are vastly different.

Let's Go Pikachu

ミュウの 遺伝子と ほとんど 同じ。だが 大きさも 性格も 恐ろしいほど 違っている。

Let's Go Pikachu

超梦的基因几乎和梦幻 完全一样,但是大小和 性格却迥异得让人吃惊。

Let's Go Eevee

ミュウの いでんしと ほとんど おなじ。だが おおきさも せいかくも おそろしいほど ちがっている。

Let's Go Eevee

뮤의 유전자와 거의 같다. 하지만 크기도 성격도 무서울 정도로 다르다.

Let's Go Eevee

身上的基因與夢幻幾乎一樣, 但無論是體型大小還是性格 都與夢幻有著巨大的差別。

Let's Go Eevee

Son ADN est presque le même que celui de Mew, mais sa taille et son caractère sont très différents.

Let's Go Eevee

Mewtu und Mew weisen sehr ähnliche Gene auf, doch hinsichtlich ihres Charakters und ihrer Größe unterscheiden sich die beiden erheblich.

Let's Go Eevee

Su ADN es casi el mismo que el de Mew. Sin embargo, su tamaño y carácter son muy diferentes.

Let's Go Eevee

Il suo DNA è quasi uguale a quello di Mew. Ciò nonostante, sono agli antipodi per dimensioni e carattere.

Let's Go Eevee

Its DNA is almost the same as Mew’s. However, its size and disposition are vastly different.

Let's Go Eevee

ミュウの 遺伝子と ほとんど 同じ。だが 大きさも 性格も 恐ろしいほど 違っている。

Let's Go Eevee

超梦的基因几乎和梦幻 完全一样,但是大小和 性格却迥异得让人吃惊。





Type matchup



x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2


x 2


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D





