#18 Pidgeot


Pokédex Entries

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 39.5kg


When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP.


When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP.


This POKéMON flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons.


Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps.


It spreads its beautiful wings wide to frighten its enemies. It can fly at Mach 2 speed.


Its outstanding vision allows it to spot splashing MAGIKARP, even while flying at 3300 feet.


This POKéMON has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many TRAINERS are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose PIDGEOT as their POKéMON.


This POKéMON has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many TRAINERS are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose PIDGEOT as their POKéMON.


This POKéMON has gorgeous, glossy feathers. Many TRAINERS are so captivated by the beautiful feathers on its head that they choose PIDGEOT as their POKéMON.

Fire Red

It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate enemies. It races through the skies at Mach-2 speed.

Leaf Green

When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP.


By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.


By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.


By flapping its wings with all its might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.

Heart Gold

Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps.

Soul Silver

It spreads its beautiful wings wide to frighten its enemies. It can fly at Mach 2 speed.


En battant des ailes de toutes ses forces, Roucarnage génère une rafale à en déraciner les arbres.


By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.


En battant des ailes de toutes ses forces, Roucarnage génère une rafale à en déraciner les arbres.


By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.

Black 2

By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.

White 2

By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees.


エサを さがすとき すいめん すれすれを すべるように とんで コイキングなどを わしづかみにする。


먹이를 찾을 때 수면을 아슬아슬하게 미끄러지듯 날아 잉어킹 등을 움켜잡는다.


Il survole la surface de l’eau pour repérer une proie et plonge en piqué pour l’attraper.


Dieses Pokémon schnellt bei der Jagd blitzschnell unter Wasser, um seine ahnungslose Beute zu fangen.


Cuando caza, vuela muy deprisa a ras del agua y sorprende a inocentes presas como Magikarp.


Quando caccia, vola velocissimo sul pelo dell’acqua e cattura ignare prede come Magikarp.


When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp.


エサを 探すとき 水面 すれすれを 滑るように 飛んで コイキングなどを わしづかみにする。


うつくしい ハネを ひろげて あいてを いかくする。 マッハ2で そらを とびまわる。


아름다운 날개를 펼쳐 상대를 위협한다. 마하2로 하늘을 날아다닌다.


Roucarnage déploie ses ailes majestueuses pour effrayer ses ennemis. Il peut voler à Mach 2.


Es breitet seine betörenden Schwingen aus, um den Gegner einzuschüchtern. Seine Fluggeschwindigkeit liegt bei Mach 2.


Para intimidar a su enemigo, extiende las increíbles alas que tiene. Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad increíble.


Intimidisce i nemici spiegando le possenti ali. In volo raggiunge la velocità di Mach 2.


It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate enemies. It races through the skies at Mach-2 speed.


美しい 羽を 広げて 相手を 威嚇する。 マッハ2で 空を 飛び回る。

Omega Ruby

うつくしい こうたくの はねを もつ ポケモン。 あたまの はねの うつくしさに こころ うばわれ ピジョットを そだてる トレーナーも おおい。

Omega Ruby

아름답게 윤이 나는 깃털을 가진 포켓몬이다. 머리 깃털의 아름다움에 마음을 빼앗겨 피죤투를 기르는 트레이너도 많다.

Omega Ruby

Ce Pokémon est doté d’un plumage magnifique et luisant. Bien des Dresseurs sont captivés par la beauté fatale de sa huppe et décident de choisir Roucarnage comme leur Pokémon favori.

Omega Ruby

Dieses Pokémon hat ein wunderschönes, glänzendes Gefieder. Viele Trainer sind von der auffälligen Schönheit seines Federkleids begeistert, sodass sie Tauboss als ihr Pokémon wählen.

Omega Ruby

El plumaje de este Pokémon es bonito e hipnótico. Muchos Entrenadores se quedan embobados ante la belleza impactante de las plumas que tiene en la cabeza; lo que les lleva a elegir a Pidgeot como su Pokémon.

Omega Ruby

Questo Pokémon è caratterizzato da uno stupendo piumaggio dai colori vivaci e brillanti. Molti Allenatori sono colpiti dall’evidente bellezza delle piume sulla testa. Per questo spesso scelgono Pidgeot come loro Pokémon.

Omega Ruby

This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon.

Omega Ruby

美しい 光沢の 羽を 持つ ポケモン。 頭の 羽の 美しさに 心 奪われ ピジョットを 育てる トレーナーも 多い。

Alpha Sapphire

うつくしい こうたくの はねを もつ ポケモン。 あたまの はねの うつくしさに こころ うばわれ ピジョットを そだてる トレーナーも おおい。

Alpha Sapphire

아름답게 윤이 나는 깃털을 가진 포켓몬이다. 머리 깃털의 아름다움에 마음을 빼앗겨 피죤투를 기르는 트레이너도 많다.

Alpha Sapphire

Ce Pokémon est doté d’un plumage magnifique et luisant. Bien des Dresseurs sont captivés par la beauté fatale de sa huppe et décident de choisir Roucarnage comme leur Pokémon favori.

Alpha Sapphire

Dieses Pokémon hat ein wunderschönes, glänzendes Gefieder. Viele Trainer sind von der auffälligen Schönheit seines Federkleids begeistert, sodass sie Tauboss als ihr Pokémon wählen.

Alpha Sapphire

El plumaje de este Pokémon es bonito e hipnótico. Muchos Entrenadores se quedan embobados ante la belleza impactante de las plumas que tiene en la cabeza; lo que les lleva a elegir a Pidgeot como su Pokémon.

Alpha Sapphire

Questo Pokémon è caratterizzato da uno stupendo piumaggio dai colori vivaci e brillanti. Molti Allenatori sono colpiti dall’evidente bellezza delle piume sulla testa. Per questo spesso scelgono Pidgeot come loro Pokémon.

Alpha Sapphire

This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon.

Alpha Sapphire

美しい 光沢の 羽を 持つ ポケモン。 頭の 羽の 美しさに 心 奪われ ピジョットを 育てる トレーナーも 多い。

Let's Go Pikachu

マッハ2で ひこうし エサをさがす。 その おおきな ツメは ぶきと しても おそれられている。

Let's Go Pikachu

마하2의 속도로 비행하여 먹이를 찾는다. 그 커다란 발톱은 무기로서도 두려움의 대상이다.

Let's Go Pikachu

會以2馬赫的速度飛行 來尋找食物。巨大的爪子 是很可怕的武器。

Let's Go Pikachu

Ce Pokémon vole à Mach 2 quand il chasse. Ses grandes serres sont des armes redoutables.

Let's Go Pikachu

Auf der Jagd nach Beute fliegt es mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu Mach 2. Seine mächtigen Klauen gelten als gefürchtete Waffen.

Let's Go Pikachu

Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad de 2 mach en busca de presas. Sus grandes garras son armas muy peligrosas.

Let's Go Pikachu

Può volare a una velocità di Mach 2 in cerca di prede. I suoi artigli sono armi micidiali.

Let's Go Pikachu

This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons.

Let's Go Pikachu

マッハ2で 飛行し エサを探す。 その 大きな ツメは 武器と しても 恐れられている。

Let's Go Pikachu

以2马赫的飞行速度来 觅食。它巨大的爪子是 非常令人惧怕的武器。

Let's Go Eevee

マッハ2で ひこうし エサをさがす。 その おおきな ツメは ぶきと しても おそれられている。

Let's Go Eevee

마하2의 속도로 비행하여 먹이를 찾는다. 그 커다란 발톱은 무기로서도 두려움의 대상이다.

Let's Go Eevee

會以2馬赫的速度飛行 來尋找食物。巨大的爪子 是很可怕的武器。

Let's Go Eevee

Ce Pokémon vole à Mach 2 quand il chasse. Ses grandes serres sont des armes redoutables.

Let's Go Eevee

Auf der Jagd nach Beute fliegt es mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu Mach 2. Seine mächtigen Klauen gelten als gefürchtete Waffen.

Let's Go Eevee

Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad de 2 mach en busca de presas. Sus grandes garras son armas muy peligrosas.

Let's Go Eevee

Può volare a una velocità di Mach 2 in cerca di prede. I suoi artigli sono armi micidiali.

Let's Go Eevee

This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons.

Let's Go Eevee

マッハ2で 飛行し エサを探す。 その 大きな ツメは 武器と しても 恐れられている。

Let's Go Eevee

以2马赫的飞行速度来 觅食。它巨大的爪子是 非常令人惧怕的武器。





Type matchup


ghost x 0
ground x 0

x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to


x 2


x 2


x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D






