Asiduo a las zonas volcánicas, se desliza lentamente en busca de lugares calientes.
It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a con stant search for warm places.
These group to gether in areas that are hotter than normal. If it cools off, its skin hardens.
Molten magma courses throughout SLUGMA’s circulatory system. If this POKéMON is chilled, the magma cools and hardens. Its body turns brittle and chunks fall off, reducing its size.
SLUGMA does not have any blood in its body. Instead, intensely hot magma circulates throughout this POKéMON’s body, carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to its organs.
It is a species of POKéMON that lives in volcanic areas. If its body cools, its skin hardens and immobilizes it. To avoid that, it sleeps near magma.
Fire Red
A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places.
Leaf Green
It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
Heart Gold
It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
Soul Silver
A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places.
Son corps est fait de magma. S’il cesse de bouger, il refroidit et durcit.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
Son corps est fait de magma. S’il cesse de bouger, il refroidit et durcit.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
Black 2
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
White 2
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
かざんちたいに おおく はっせい。 あたたかい ところを さがして のろのろ はいずりまわっている。
화산 지대에 많이 나타난다. 따뜻한 곳을 찾아서 느릿느릿 기어 다니고 있다.
Commun dans les régions volcaniques, il se déplace sans cesse pour trouver des endroits chauds.
Es hält sich ständig bei Vulkanen auf und ist stets kriechend auf der Suche nach warmen Aufenthaltsorten.
Comune nelle aree vulcaniche, striscia in giro lentamente, sempre alla ricerca di luoghi caldi.
A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places.
火山地帯に 多く 発生。 暖かい ところを 探して のろのろ はいずり回っている。
ようがんで できた からだを もつ。 たえず うごいていないと からだが ひえて かたまってしまうのだ。
용암으로 된 몸을 가지고 있다. 끊임없이 움직이지 않으면 몸이 식어 굳어져 버린다.
Son corps est fait de magma. S’il cesse de bouger, il refroidit et durcit.
Sein Körper besteht aus Magma. Bleibt es nicht ständig in Bewegung, kühlt es aus und verhärtet sich.
Su cuerpo se compone de magma. Si deja de moverse, se enfría y se endurece.
Nel suo corpo scorre magma. Se non si muove continuamente, il suo corpo si raffredda e s’indurisce.
Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden.
溶岩で できた 体を 持つ。 絶えず 動いていないと 体が 冷えて 固まってしまうのだ。
Omega Ruby
からだの なかでは しゃくねつの ようがんが うずまいているが ひえると かたまって しまい くずれて からだが ちいさく なっていく。
Omega Ruby
몸 안에는 작열하는 용암이 소용돌이치지만 식으면 굳어지고 부서져서 몸이 작아진다.
Omega Ruby
Du magma en fusion coule dans les veines de Limagma. Si ce Pokémon est refroidi, le magma se solidifie. Son corps devient alors cassant et des morceaux s’en détachent, diminuant ainsi sa taille.
Omega Ruby
Durch Schneckmags Kreislaufsystem fließt Magma. Wenn dieses Pokémon erkältet ist, kühlt das Magma aus und erhärtet. Sein Körper wird spröde und es brechen Stücke heraus, sodass es kleiner wird.
Omega Ruby
Por el sistema circulatorio de Slugma corre magma líquido. Si este Pokémon se enfriara, el magma perdería el calor y se solidificaría, por lo que se resquebrajaría por completo, perdería algunos trozos y reduciría su tamaño.
Omega Ruby
Nel corpo di Slugma scorre magma liquido. In caso di congelamento, il magma si raffredda e si solidifica. Il corpo diventa fragile e cade a pezzi consumandosi progressivamente.
Omega Ruby
Molten magma courses throughout Slugma’s circulatory system. If this Pokémon is chilled, the magma cools and hardens. Its body turns brittle and chunks fall off, reducing its size.
Omega Ruby
体の 中では 灼熱の 溶岩が 渦巻いているが 冷えると 固まって しまい 崩れて 体が 小さく なっていく。
Alpha Sapphire
からだの なかでは けつえきの かわりに ひつような えいようと さんそを はこぶために しゃくねつの マグマが じゅんかんしている。
Alpha Sapphire
몸 안에는 혈액 대신 필요한 영양과 산소를 운반하기 위해 작열하는 마그마가 순환되고 있다.
Alpha Sapphire
Les veines de Limagma ne contiennent pas de sang. Au lieu de ça, du magma en fusion circule dans le corps de ce Pokémon, apportant les nutriments et l’oxygène nécessaires à ses organes.
Alpha Sapphire
Schneckmag hat kein Blut in seinem Körper. Stattdessen fließt glühend heißes Magma in diesem Pokémon, das seine Organe mit lebenswichtigen Nährstoffen und Sauerstoff versorgt.
Alpha Sapphire
Slugma no tiene sangre en su organismo, sino ardiente magma que hace circular por todo el cuerpo los nutrientes y el oxígeno que necesitan sus órganos.
Alpha Sapphire
Nel corpo di Slugma non scorre nemmeno una goccia di sangue, bensì magma rovente, che garantisce l’apporto di ossigeno e sostanze nutritive fondamentali per i suoi organi.
Alpha Sapphire
Slugma does not have any blood in its body. Instead, intensely hot magma circulates throughout this Pokémon’s body, carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to its organs.
Alpha Sapphire
体の 中では 血液の かわりに 必要な 栄養と 酸素を 運ぶために 灼熱の マグマが 循環している。