Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensi tive to sound.
Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground.
PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This POKéMON uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This POKéMON uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
A PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat of long hair for enduring freezing cold. It uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
Fire Red
If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound.
Leaf Green
Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
Its shaggy coat makes it unable to see. It checks surroundings with its sensitive nose instead.
Its shaggy coat makes it unable to see. It checks surroundings with its sensitive nose instead.
Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows.
Heart Gold
Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
Soul Silver
If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound.
Il est protégé du froid mordant par son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses cornes sont formées de glace.
Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows.
Il est protégé du froid mordant par son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses cornes sont formées de glace.
Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows.
Black 2
With its excellent sense of smell, it’s even able to find mushrooms that are buried under frozen ground.
White 2
With its excellent sense of smell, it’s even able to find mushrooms that are buried under frozen ground.
4ほんの あしは みじかいが ヒヅメは ひろく ギザギザ なので ゆきのうえでも すべらず あるける。
4개의 다리는 짧지만 발굽이 넓고 거칠거칠하므로 눈 위도 미끄러지지 않고 걸을 수 있다.
Bien que pourvu de courtes pattes, ses sabots sont pointus pour l’empêcher de glisser sur la glace.
Trotz kurzer Beine rutscht es auf eisigen Flächen nicht aus, da seine Hufe ihm genügend Halt bieten.
Aunque tiene las patas cortas, las fuertes pezuñas le permiten agarrarse bien al suelo, a pesar del hielo.
Ha le zampe corte, ma grazie agli zoccoli ruvidi, riesce a non scivolare neppure sul ghiaccio.
Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground.
4本の 脚は 短いが ひづめは 広く ギザギザ なので 雪の上でも 滑らず 歩ける。
ながい たいもうに おおわれて めのまえの ようすが わからず ひたすらに とっしんを くりかえす。
긴 털로 덮여 있어서 눈앞의 상태를 모르고 한결같이 돌진만을 반복한다.
Ses yeux sont masqués par ses longs poils. Il ne voit rien et se déplace en chargeant.
Da sein haariges Fell seine Sicht enorm beeinträchtigt, greift es ständig an, um den Gegner zu treffen.
Como su largo pelaje le impide ver con claridad, sigue atacando repetidamente.
Poiché il lungo pelo sul suo corpo gli impedisce di vedere, non fa che caricare il nemico senza tregua.
Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
長い 体毛に 覆われて 目の前の 様子が わからず ひたすらに 突進を 繰り返す。
Omega Ruby
こごえる さむさにも たえられる ように あつくて ながい けがわに おおわれている。 こおりに うまった エサを キバで ほりだす。
Omega Ruby
얼어붙는 추위에도 버틸 수 있도록 두껍고 긴 털가죽에 덮여 있다. 얼음에 묻힌 먹이를 이빨로 파낸다.
Omega Ruby
Cochignon est recouvert de longs poils épais qui lui permettent de supporter le froid hivernal. Ce Pokémon utilise ses défenses pour déterrer la nourriture cachée sous la glace.
Omega Ruby
Keifel hat ein dichtes Fell aus langen Haaren. Dadurch ist es gegen eisige Kälte gewappnet. Dieses Pokémon benutzt seine Hauer, um an Nahrung zu gelangen, die unter dem Eis eingeschlossen ist.
Omega Ruby
Piloswine está cubierto por un pelaje tupido y de largas cerdas que le permite soportar el frío polar. Este Pokémon usa los colmillos para desenterrar los alimentos que hayan podido quedar bajo el hielo.
Omega Ruby
Piloswine è ricoperto da una fitta chioma di pelo lungo che lo aiuta a contrastare il freddo pungente. Usa le proprie zanne per scavare in cerca del cibo sepolto sotto i ghiacci.
Omega Ruby
Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
Omega Ruby
凍える 寒さにも 耐えられる ように 厚くて 長い 毛皮に 覆われている。 氷に 埋まった エサを キバで 掘り出す。
Alpha Sapphire
こごえる さむさにも たえられる ように あつくて ながい けがわに おおわれている。 こおりに うまった エサを キバで ほりだす。
Alpha Sapphire
얼어붙는 추위에도 버틸 수 있도록 두껍고 긴 털가죽에 덮여 있다. 얼음에 묻힌 먹이를 이빨로 파낸다.
Alpha Sapphire
Cochignon est recouvert de longs poils épais qui lui permettent de supporter le froid hivernal. Ce Pokémon utilise ses défenses pour déterrer la nourriture cachée sous la glace.
Alpha Sapphire
Keifel hat ein dichtes Fell aus langen Haaren. Dadurch ist es gegen eisige Kälte gewappnet. Dieses Pokémon benutzt seine Stoßzähne, um an Nahrung zu gelangen, die unter dem Eis eingeschlossen ist.
Alpha Sapphire
Piloswine está cubierto por un pelaje tupido y de largas cerdas que le permite soportar el frío polar. Este Pokémon usa los colmillos para desenterrar los alimentos que hayan podido quedar bajo el hielo.
Alpha Sapphire
Piloswine è ricoperto da una fitta chioma di pelo lungo che lo aiuta a contrastare il freddo pungente. Usa le proprie zanne per scavare in cerca del cibo sepolto sotto i ghiacci.
Alpha Sapphire
Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to dig up food that has been buried under ice.
Alpha Sapphire
凍える 寒さにも 耐えられる ように 厚くて 長い 毛皮に 覆われている。 氷に 埋まった エサを キバで 掘り出す。
あいて めがけて とっしんするとき せなかの たいもうが さかだつ。 おとに ものすごく びんかん。
상대를 목표로 삼고 돌진할 때 등에 있는 털이 곤두선다. 소리에 매우 민감하다.
朝著對手衝過去時, 背上的體毛會倒豎起來。 對聲音極度敏感。
S’il charge un ennemi, les poils de son dos se dressent. Il est très sensible au bruit.
Beim Angriff auf einen Gegner stellen sich seine Rückenhaare auf. Es hört außergewöhnlich gut.
Cuando carga contra un enemigo, se le erizan los pelos del lomo. Es muy sensible al sonido.
Quando carica il nemico, i peli gli si rizzano sul dorso. È molto sensibile ai suoni.
If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound.
相手 めがけて 突進するとき 背中の 体毛が 逆立つ。 音に ものすごく 敏感。
朝着对手冲过去时, 背上的体毛会倒竖起来。 对声音极度敏感。
4ほんの あしは みじかいが ヒヅメは ひろく ギザギザ なので ゆきのうえでも すべらず あるける。
4개의 다리는 짧지만 발굽이 넓고 거칠거칠하므로 눈 위도 미끄러지지 않고 걸을 수 있다.
雖然4隻腳很短, 但因為蹄很寬而且粗糙, 所以就算在雪地上行走也不會打滑。
Bien qu’il soit pourvu de pattes courtes, ses sabots larges et pointus l’empêchent de glisser sur la glace.
Obwohl es sehr kurze Beine hat, rutscht es auf eisigen Flächen nicht aus, da seine gespaltenen Hufe ihm genügend Halt bieten.
Aunque tiene las patas cortas, sus fuertes pezuñas le permiten caminar por la nieve sin resbalar.
Ha le zampe corte, ma grazie agli zoccoli ruvidi riesce a camminare sul ghiaccio senza scivolare.
Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground.
4本の 脚は 短いが ひづめは 広く ギザギザ なので 雪の上でも 滑らず 歩ける。
虽然4只脚很短, 但因为蹄子很宽很粗糙, 所以就算在雪地上行走也不会打滑。
Legends Arceus
The long fur of this Pokémon covers its eyes, ears, and even limbs, allowing Piloswine to resist harshly frigid conditions. The Pokémon's white tusks can be used to defeat its enemies.