DELCATTY prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this POKéMON eats and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random.
DELCATTY sleeps anywhere it wants without keeping a permanent nest. If other POKéMON approach it as it sleeps, this POKéMON will never fight - it will just move away somewhere else.
Rather than keeping a permanent lair, it habitually seeks comfortable spots and sleeps there. It is nocturnal and becomes active at dusk.
Fire Red
The favorite of trend-conscious female TRAINERS, they are used in competition for their style and fur.
Leaf Green
The favorite of trend-conscious female TRAINERS, they are used in competition for their style and fur.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
Heart Gold
It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself.
Soul Silver
It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself.
Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne possède pas de nid.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne possède pas de nid.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
Black 2
The reason it does not have a nest is that it simply searches for a clean, comfortable place then sleeps there.
White 2
The reason it does not have a nest is that it simply searches for a clean, comfortable place then sleeps there.
きたない ばしょが だいきらい。 いごこちの よい ばしょで いつも けなみを ていれしている。
더러운 곳을 아주 싫어한다. 편안한 곳에서 늘 털을 다듬고 있다.
Il déteste la saleté et passe son temps à entretenir sa fourrure, confortablement installé.
Hasst schmutzige Orte. Behagt ihm ein Platz, fängt es sofort an, sein glänzendes Fell zu pflegen.
No soporta los lugares sucios. Le encanta acicalarse el pelaje cuando está a gusto en un sitio.
Detesta gli ambienti sporchi. Se ne sta sempre ad allisciarsi la pelliccia in luoghi accoglienti.
It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself.
汚い 場所が 大嫌い。 居心地の 良い 場所で いつも 毛並みを 手入れしている。
うつくしい けなみを もち じょせいトレーナーに だいにんき。 きまった すみかを もたない。
아름다운 털을 가지고 있어서 여성 트레이너들에게 매우 인기 있다. 정해진 거처를 갖고 있지 않다.
Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne possède pas de nid.
Dieses Pokémon ist bei weiblichen Trainern aufgrund seines Fells beliebt.
Tiene mucho éxito entre las Entrenadoras por su suave pelaje. No vive en un sitio fijo.
Ha successo fra gli Allenatori di sesso femminile per la sua bellissima pelliccia. Non ha una tana fissa.
It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest.
美しい 毛並みを 持ち 女性トレーナーに 大人気。 決まった 住処を 持たない。
Omega Ruby
マイペースで じゆうきままな くらしを このむ。 きのむくまま エサを たべたり ねむったり しているので 1にちの リズムが バラバラだ。
Omega Ruby
자기 방식대로 자유로운 삶을 즐긴다. 마음 내키는 대로 먹이를 먹고 잠을 자기 때문에 하루의 리듬이 제각각이다.
Omega Ruby
Delcatty préfère vivre une existence sans contraintes, au cours de laquelle chacun pourrait faire ce qu’il veut. Comme ce Pokémon mange et dort quand il le décide, son rythme de vie est totalement aléatoire.
Omega Ruby
Enekoro liebt seine Eigenständigkeit. So kann es das tun, was es möchte, und kann selbst das Tempo bestimmen. Da dieses Pokémon schläft und isst, wenn es Lust dazu hat, ist sein Tagesablauf eher zufälliger Natur.
Omega Ruby
Delcatty prefiere llevar una vida independiente y hacer lo que se le antoje. Como este Pokémon come y duerme según vea en cada momento, no se puede decir que tenga unos hábitos regulares en el día a día.
Omega Ruby
Delcatty preferisce vivere una vita in libertà, in cui poter fare ciò che più gli aggrada in base alle proprie esigenze. Poiché anche gli orari dei pasti e del sonno sono completamente liberi, la sua vita quotidiana è casuale.
Omega Ruby
Delcatty prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eats and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random.
Omega Ruby
マイペースで 自由気ままな 暮らしを 好む。 気の向くまま エサを 食べたり 眠ったり しているので 1日の リズムが バラバラだ。
Alpha Sapphire
きまった すみかを もたずに くらす ポケモン。 ほかの ポケモンが ねどこに ちかよって きても けっして あらそわず ねる ばしょを かえる。
Alpha Sapphire
일정한 거처 없이 생활하는 포켓몬이다. 다른 포켓몬이 잠자리에 가까이 다가와도 절대 다투지 않고 이동하여 잔다.
Alpha Sapphire
Delcatty peut dormir n’importe où. Il n’a pas de nid permanent. Lorsque d’autres Pokémon lui cherchent des noises pendant son sommeil, il ne répond pas et se contente de partir dormir ailleurs.
Alpha Sapphire
Enekoro schläft dort, wo es ihm gefällt und hat kein dauerhaftes Nest. Nähern sich ihm andere Pokémon, wenn es schläft, kämpft es nicht mit ihnen, sondern zieht weiter.
Alpha Sapphire
Delcatty duerme en cualquier lugar sin tener que mantener el nido en un mismo sitio. Si otro Pokémon se le acerca mientras duerme, no se pondrá a luchar con él; simplemente se irá a otro sitio.
Alpha Sapphire
Delcatty dorme dove più gli aggrada senza mai una dimora fissa. Se gli si avvicinano altri Pokémon, Delcatty non lotta mai, ma leva le tende e si sposta da un’altra parte.
Alpha Sapphire
Delcatty sleeps anywhere it wants without keeping a permanent nest. If other Pokémon approach it as it sleeps, this Pokémon will never fight—it will just move away somewhere else.
Alpha Sapphire
決まった すみかを 持たずに 暮らす ポケモン。 他の ポケモンが 寝床に 近寄って きても 決して 争わず 寝る 場所を 変える。