


#207 Gligar


Pokédex Entries

Height: 1.1m

Weight: 64.8kg


It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the star­ tled victim to inject poison.


It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack.


It builds its nest on a steep cliff. When it is done gliding, it hops along the ground back to its nest.


GLIGAR glides through the air without a sound as if it were sliding. This POKéMON hangs on to the face of its foe using its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then injects the prey with its poison barb.


GLIGAR glides through the air without a sound as if it were sliding. This POKéMON hangs on to the face of its foe using its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then injects the prey with its poison barb.


It glides without making a single sound. It grasps the face of its foe using its hind and large front claws, then stabs with its poison barb.

Fire Red

It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack.

Leaf Green

It flies straight at its target’s face, then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.


It sails on the winds with its limbs extended to strike from the sky. It aims for the prey’s face.


It sails on the winds with its limbs extended to strike from the sky. It aims for the prey’s face.


It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger.

Heart Gold

It flies straight at its target’s face, then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.

Soul Silver

It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack.


Il fend l’air et fond sur sa proie pour s’agripper à son visage et la frapper avec son dard.


It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger.


Il fend l’air et fond sur sa proie pour s’agripper à son visage et la frapper avec son dard.


It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger.

Black 2

It clamps on to its chosen prey then jabs the stinger on its tail into the prey while it’s stunned with surprise.

White 2

It clamps on to its chosen prey then jabs the stinger on its tail into the prey while it’s stunned with surprise.


いつもは がけに はりついている。 えものをみつけると はねをひろげ かぜにのり おそいかかってくる。


보통은 벼랑에 붙어 있다. 먹이를 발견하면 날개를 펼쳐 바람을 타고 날아 덮친다.


Il s’accroche souvent aux falaises. Sa proie repérée, il plane vers elle pour l’attaquer.


Es hängt meist an Klippen. Erspäht es Beute, spreizt es seine Flügel und greift diese sofort an.


A veces se sujeta a los precipicios. Cuando divisa una presa, despliega sus alas y planea para atacar.


Di solito sta attaccato agli scogli. Attacca la preda spalancando le ali e planando.


It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack.


いつもは 崖に 張りついている。 獲物を見つけると 羽を広げ 風に乗り 襲いかかってくる。


がんめん めがけて とんでくる。 はりつかれた えものが おどろく あいだに どくばりを さしこむ。


얼굴을 겨냥하고 날아와 들러붙어 먹이가 놀라는 사이에 독침을 찌른다.


Il vole droit vers le visage de sa cible effrayée et s’y accroche pour lui injecter son poison.


Es fliegt direkt auf das Gesicht seiner Feinde zu und injiziert ihnen eine Überdosis Gift.


Vuela directo a la cara del objetivo y acaba con su aterrada víctima inyectándole veneno.


Vola in picchiata sulla testa del nemico, lo atterra e gli inietta il suo veleno.


It flies straight at its target’s face, then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.


顔面 めがけて 飛んでくる。 張りつかれた 獲物が 驚く あいだに 毒針を 刺しこむ。

Omega Ruby

おとを たてず すべる ように かっくうする。 りょううでの おおきな ツメと あしの ツメで えものの かおに しがみつき どくばりを さす。

Omega Ruby

소리 내지 않고 미끄러지듯 활공한다. 양손의 커다란 손톱과 발의 발톱으로 먹이의 얼굴에 달라붙어 독침을 찌른다.

Omega Ruby

Scorplane plane dans les airs sans un bruit, comme s’il glissait. Ce Pokémon s’accroche au visage de son ennemi grâce aux serres de ses pattes arrière et aux pinces de ses pattes avant, et pique avec son dard empoisonné.

Omega Ruby

Skorgla segelt lautlos durch die Lüfte. Es verankert sich mithilfe der Krallen an seinen Hinterbeinen und der riesigen Scheren an seinen Vorderbeinen am Gesicht eines Feindes und vergiftet ihn mit seinem Giftstachel.

Omega Ruby

Gligar planea por el aire sin hacer ningún ruido, como si fuera patinando. Este Pokémon se agarra a la cara de su rival con las patas traseras, con forma de garra, y las pinzas de las delanteras y le inyecta veneno por el aguijón.

Omega Ruby

Gligar fende l’aria impercettibilmente come se stesse scivolando. Questo Pokémon si aggrappa al viso del nemico usando le zampe posteriori artigliate e le possenti chele sulle zampe anteriori, poi avvelena la preda con il suo aculeo.

Omega Ruby

Gligar glides through the air without a sound as if it were sliding. This Pokémon hangs on to the face of its foe using its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then injects the prey with its poison barb.

Omega Ruby

音を 立てず 滑る ように 滑空する。 両腕の 大きな ツメと 足の ツメで 獲物の 顔に しがみつき 毒針を 刺す。

Alpha Sapphire

おとを たてず すべる ように かっくうする。 りょううでの おおきな ツメと あしの ツメで えものの かおに しがみつき どくばりを さす。

Alpha Sapphire

소리 내지 않고 미끄러지듯 활공한다. 양손의 커다란 손톱과 발의 발톱으로 먹이의 얼굴에 달라붙어 독침을 찌른다.

Alpha Sapphire

Scorplane plane dans les airs sans un bruit, comme s’il glissait. Ce Pokémon s’accroche au visage de son ennemi grâce aux serres de ses pattes arrière et aux pinces de ses pattes avant, et pique avec son dard empoisonné.

Alpha Sapphire

Skorgla segelt lautlos durch die Lüfte. Es verankert sich mithilfe der Krallen an seinen Hinterbeinen und der riesigen Scheren an seinen Vorderbeinen am Gesicht eines Feindes und vergiftet ihn mit seinem Giftstachel.

Alpha Sapphire

Gligar planea por el aire sin hacer ningún ruido, como si fuera patinando. Este Pokémon se agarra a la cara de su rival con las patas traseras, con forma de garra, y las pinzas de las delanteras y le inyecta veneno por el aguijón.

Alpha Sapphire

Gligar fende l’aria impercettibilmente come se stesse scivolando. Questo Pokémon si aggrappa al viso del nemico usando le zampe posteriori artigliate e le possenti chele sulle zampe anteriori, poi avvelena la preda con il suo aculeo.

Alpha Sapphire

Gligar glides through the air without a sound as if it were sliding. This Pokémon hangs on to the face of its foe using its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then injects the prey with its poison barb.

Alpha Sapphire

音を 立てず 滑る ように 滑空する。 両腕の 大きな ツメと 足の ツメで 獲物の 顔に しがみつき 毒針を 刺す。

Legends Arceus

Its tail is tipped by a thick, horrible stinger. To bring down prey, it will first obscure their vision by covering their faces with its body, and then it will use the stinger to inject them with venom.





Type matchup


electric x 0
ground x 0

x 0.5


x 0.5


x 0.5

Weak to

ice x 4

x 2

Base stats



70 Average













Sp Attack

Sp A


Sp Defense

Sp D





