To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.
If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes the cloak with materials nearby.
Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.
Heart Gold
It covers itself with a cloak to shelter from the cold. When it’s hot, its cloak is thinner.
Soul Silver
It covers itself with a cloak to shelter from the cold. When it’s hot, its cloak is thinner.
Nul ne sait comment il y parvient, mais il arrive toujours à se former une cape, où qu’il soit.
Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.
Nul ne sait comment il y parvient, mais il arrive toujours à se former une cape, où qu’il soit.
Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.
Black 2
Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.
White 2
Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak.
つめたい こがらしを ふせぐため こえだや おちばを ざいりょうに ミノを つくり からだを おおう。
차가운 초겨울 바람을 막으려고 작은 가지나 낙엽을 재료로 도롱이를 만들어 몸을 감싼다.
Pour se protéger des vents glacés de l’hiver, il s’est tissé une cape de feuilles et de brindilles.
Um sich vor dem eisigen Winterwind zu schützen, legt es sich unter einen Umhang aus Ästen und Laub.
Para protegerse de los vientos fríos invernales, se cubre con un caparazón de ramas y hojas.
Per ripararsi dal freddo e dai venti invernali si copre con un manto fatto di rami e foglie.
To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.
冷たい 木枯らしを 防ぐため 小枝や 落ち葉を 材料に ミノを 作り 体を 覆う。
たたかいで ミノが こわれてしまうと ちかくにある ざいりょうで ミノを すぐに つくりなおす。
싸움으로 도롱이가 부서져 버리면 가까이 있는 재료로 도롱이를 바로 만들어 고친다.
S’il perd sa cape au combat, il en tisse rapidement une nouvelle avec ce qui lui tombe sous la main.
Wird sein Umhang im Kampf zerstört, macht es sich schnell aus dem, was es findet, einen neuen.
Si su caparazón se rompe en combate, lo rehace rápidamente con lo que tenga a mano.
Se il suo manto si rompe mentre lotta, lo rifà velocemente con ciò che trova attorno a sé.
If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes the cloak with materials nearby.
戦いで ミノが 壊れてしまうと 近くにある 材料で ミノを すぐに 作り直す。
Omega Ruby
つめたい こがらしを ふせぐため こえだや おちばを ざいりょうに ミノを つくり からだを おおう。
Omega Ruby
차가운 초겨울 바람을 막으려고 작은 가지나 낙엽을 재료로 도롱이를 만들어 몸을 감싼다.
Omega Ruby
Pour se protéger des vents glacés de l’hiver, il s’est tissé une cape de feuilles et de brindilles.
Omega Ruby
Um sich vor dem eisigen Winterwind zu schützen, legt es sich unter einen Umhang aus Ästen und Laub.
Omega Ruby
Para protegerse de los vientos fríos invernales, se cubre con un caparazón de ramas y hojas.
Omega Ruby
Per ripararsi dal freddo e dai venti invernali si copre con un manto fatto di rami e foglie.
Omega Ruby
To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.
Omega Ruby
冷たい 木枯らしを 防ぐため 小枝や 落ち葉を 材料に ミノを 作り 体を 覆う。
Alpha Sapphire
たたかいで ミノが こわれてしまうと ちかくにある ざいりょうで ミノを すぐに つくりなおす。
Alpha Sapphire
싸움으로 도롱이가 부서져 버리면 가까이 있는 재료로 도롱이를 바로 만들어 고친다.
Alpha Sapphire
S’il perd sa cape au combat, il en tisse rapidement une nouvelle avec ce qui lui tombe sous la main.
Alpha Sapphire
Wird sein Umhang im Kampf zerstört, macht es sich schnell aus dem, was es findet, einen neuen.
Alpha Sapphire
Si su caparazón se rompe en combate, lo rehace rápidamente con lo que tenga a mano.
Alpha Sapphire
Se il suo manto si rompe mentre lotta, lo rifà velocemente con ciò che trova attorno a sé.
Alpha Sapphire
If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes the cloak with materials nearby.
Alpha Sapphire
戦いで ミノが 壊れてしまうと 近くにある 材料で ミノを すぐに 作り直す。
Legends Arceus
If its cloak is even slightly damaged, Burmy will immediately repair it with whatever is close at hand. The Pokémon within the cloak is scrawny and vulnerable to the cold.